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  1. G

    Question specifically about the NEW covenant.

    it is not. no quote to give.
  2. G

    2020 American Election And President Trump Capitol Rally, Criminal Fraud Exposed! had this on sat. maybe the mighty Q will catch up to us infowarriors one day...... ( but i doubt it.)
  3. G


    seems like this is the next step in the elites plans...
  4. G

    So has all of America accepted the Nov 3 election and "moved on"?

    that is my point- you can " prove it " all you want, but if no one actually does anything, then all the proof does not matter. it was said right in front of congress that fauci was involved with the wuhan lab, but anything happen?? nope.
  5. G


    it has been well=known ( even by the lying mainstream media) that the p c r tests produce false positives. so, that begs the question- why, in 15 months time, has no one came up with a more accurate test. as far as i know, there is not one even close to ready, almost as if the powers that be...
  6. G

    What is the Royal Law or Law of Liberty?

    why did you refuse to answer my question from yesterday??
  7. G

    What is the Royal Law or Law of Liberty?

    " i do not participate in conversations in which i am not in control of" that is what you really mean. instead of answering a simple yes or no question, you dodge, and fire off another question. it's all about control for you....
  8. G

    What is the Royal Law or Law of Liberty?

    i will answer your question when you answer this one- is the sin nature of man eliminated at the time when one accepts Christ as savior??
  9. G

    What is the Royal Law or Law of Liberty?

    walk in the Sprit and you will not fulfil the lust of the flesh. but, when you ( and me) fail to walk in the Sprit, and stumble in the flesh, then we need forgiveness for that SIN. but, see, you have to admit you sinned and ask for forgiveness, not deny you stumbled because you don't want to...
  10. G

    2020 American Election And President Trump Capitol Rally, Criminal Fraud Exposed!

    just a reality based reminder- the deep state is still in firm control, no justice is coming, no storm is coming, trump will not be back on july 4, or any other time.
  11. G

    What is the Royal Law or Law of Liberty?

    Romans, like all the N. T. , should be read as a whole letter, not broken into pieces and individual theology built around the isolated pieces.
  12. G

    2020 American Election And President Trump Capitol Rally, Criminal Fraud Exposed!

    trump to. he meant well, but got compromised along the way.
  13. G

    What is the Royal Law or Law of Liberty?

    just because the king jimmy version says it was Paul, that does not make it so....
  14. G

    What is the Royal Law or Law of Liberty?

    so, of course, you KNOW Paul wrote the letter to the Hebrews....
  15. G

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    don't know about jail time, but fauchi needs to step down and go away as much as he has flip-flopped in the last 15 months,,,
  16. G

    What is the Royal Law or Law of Liberty?

    as i said, they think only the " big sins" count. they fail to realize that God's standard is perfection. if one does not fully , 100% , with no doubt, trust a perfect sinless Savior, for salvation, they will not receive it.
  17. G

    What is the Royal Law or Law of Liberty?

    to him who knows to do good and not do so, to him it is sin. as much as you legalists try to deny this , the " little sins" count the same as " big sins" in God's eyes, taking a pen home from work without asking as the same as robbing a bank.
  18. G


    i have a solution also- trust God and go about your life.
  19. G

    Jesus Is Our Truth, Reward, And Faithfulness So We Can Lie, Steal, and Fornicate?

    well, Paul said that in His letter to the Galatians, so if you disagree with the Law being summed up in " love your neighbor as yourself, "take it up with Paul. and, yes, Jesus taught the 10 Commands to jews in judea, so there is that... do you accept the truth of Trinity?