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  1. Dino246

    The take.

    Wrong. Do your homework.
  2. Dino246

    Does the Bible support the idea of a spinning ball earth flying through space, or is that a Satanic, Masonic lie?

    As long as you read with an agenda, you will remain unable to learn.
  3. Dino246

    The take.

    You use the word "begotten" but don't understand what it means... as with most users of archaic English versions.
  4. Dino246

    Does the Bible support the idea of a spinning ball earth flying through space, or is that a Satanic, Masonic lie?

    Did I say anything about seeing the curve? No. Don't shout your folly so loudly.
  5. Dino246

    The take.

    "For the most part"... there's the rub. Like I stated before, you can agree with 99% of the truth and still be a heretic because you disagree on on key point. Don't bother identifying the translation if you aren't quoting it. That any Christian calls you a heretic should cause you to consider...
  6. Dino246

    Does the Bible support the idea of a spinning ball earth flying through space, or is that a Satanic, Masonic lie?

    You are making an error of scale. The sun is billions of times brighter than a weak torch, and the degree to which the atmosphere inhibits light is not billions of times greater at the distances under discussion. This does not come from nor does it describe literal light and darkness; it is a...
  7. Dino246

    Does the Bible support the idea of a spinning ball earth flying through space, or is that a Satanic, Masonic lie?

    A statement of fact does not need to have explicit biblical support. Male humans produce sperm and female humans produce eggs. Two of them, one of each kind, join together to make a zygote; the Bible says no such thing, but it is true nonetheless. Um, no. God is not limited by physics at all...
  8. Dino246

    Does the Bible support the idea of a spinning ball earth flying through space, or is that a Satanic, Masonic lie?

    I don't see anyone getting upset. Shaking their heads in astonishment perhaps. Ball Earth does not depend on NASA, though it is possible to use evidence from NASA sources to demonstrate that the Earth is not flat.
  9. Dino246

    What is divine foreknowledge?

    There is a story in 1 Samuel 23:10-13 that clearly demonstrates that foreknowledge is not predestination (credit to the late Michael Heiser for pointing this out): David said, “Lord, God of Israel, your servant has heard definitely that Saul plans to come to Keilah and destroy the town on...
  10. Dino246

    Can a Christian be a hermit?

    My position? I like to stand on them with one foot while eating French Vanilla ice cream (in restrained amounts, of course). ;)
  11. Dino246

    The take.

    While your point is sound, you would do well to consider the source of the criticism. You're new here, so you likely don't know that Angela is one of the most studious and well-educated among us. If she is calling your position 'heretical', it very likely is heretical.
  12. Dino246

    The take.

    One does not need to refute your post "line by line" for your position to be heretical; you can be solidly biblical on 99% of the issues and dead wrong on one key point.
  13. Dino246

    Can a Christian be a hermit?

    "Can" a Christian be a hermit? Yes. "Should" a Christian be a hermit? No. Next question, please.
  14. Dino246

    Does the Bible support the idea of a spinning ball earth flying through space, or is that a Satanic, Masonic lie?

    The distance to the sun is not the measuring rod for calculations of the Earth's circumference. This is no proof at all. This is simply silly. Neither assertion constitutes "proof" of anything. Long-since debunked as demonstrated on YouTube by SciManDan. The human eye cannot perceive the...
  15. Dino246

    Does the Bible support the idea of a spinning ball earth flying through space, or is that a Satanic, Masonic lie?

    Kudos for reading them. I read only one of the "proofs" (so far) and had it dismissed as fallacious before I finished it.
  16. Dino246

    Does the Bible support the idea of a spinning ball earth flying through space, or is that a Satanic, Masonic lie?

    The absence of perception of movement is no reliable indicator of the actual absence of movement. We feel acceleration, not stable velocity.
  17. Dino246

    I think the water I was drinking at work was making me sick.

    I would definitely have a few samples tested… but it’s up to you whether to blow the whistle or have the tests done quietly.
  18. Dino246

    Earth is Flat and Stationary

    There is no need for you to dredge up old threads on this subject.