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  1. Lightskin


    Faith overrides my shortfalls and Jesus is forever Rock, not sand.
  2. Lightskin


    Sin batters me every single day. To say otherwise would be dishonest. Yet be that as it may, I am secure in my faith in Christ and He has secured my eternal, irrevocable salvation.
  3. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    I like orange, I like cats, but I don’t like orange cats. It’s like chicken on pizza. Nasty.
  4. Lightskin


    You have an interesting take. We are all sinners yet Jesus is our Rock on Whom we build our house, thus our houses will withstand the storms of our sins. That is the very outcome of faith.
  5. Lightskin


    FHS, one problem I have with your scenario is that believing your house is going to collapse is not faith. It’s completely different. 😊
  6. Lightskin

    Lets build a fire!

    I’m new here and only desire to teach, learn and enjoy fellowship with others. Obviously there is a long history of strife and disagreement among some members, and you have been hurt because of it. I pray your pain is overcome and that you and I will always enjoy one another’s company. That...
  7. Lightskin


    You used the term “working faith” with regards to the saved woman. I respectfully disagree completely. It was faith, not working faith. She came to believe before being with Jesus. Jesus did not tell her she was saved because she did “works” at that moment, Jesus told her she was saved because...
  8. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    We glorify God by keeping the greatest commandment, loving Him with all our heart, mind, strength and soul, and loving our neighbors as ourselves. That love is fruit, not works. ❤️
  9. Lightskin

    I just bought a Maserati Merak! Little happy dance

    Your username reminds me of Matthew 10:27 😊
  10. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    Amen and Amen! 🙏
  11. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    Jesus teaches us that the shepherd will leave 99 sheep to find the one that is lost. And when he finds the lost sheep and returns home with it, everyone rejoices. It is the work of God, not us that saves and keeps us saved.
  12. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    I feared God and was imprisoned by religiosity and the thought of God’s wrath. Then one day I read John 14:1-7. Afterwards I took a walk in my local park and pondered Jesus‘s words. Suddenly the veil was lifted from my eyes and heart, and I rejoiced in a manner that cannot be expressed...
  13. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    Martin Luther endured overwhelming anguish living a life you describe above. It was when he came to realize that we are saved by grace through faith that he rejoiced in the glorious truth of God.
  14. Lightskin

    Hi Everyone

    Thank you. God bless you always 🙏
  15. Lightskin

    Hi Everyone

    I’ll let my friends know you don’t approve.
  16. Lightskin


    Exactly. That’s why so many people refuse to come to the Lord, because they’ve been poisoned by religion rather than blessed with Gospel Truth. I’m not referring to anyone on this site, but rather the masses.
  17. Lightskin


    In post #230 you wrote, religion that binds. Jesus has come to give us liberty, freedom and eternal life, and yet religion binds people. I yearn for people who endure such oppression. I pray such folks embrace what Jesus freely gives us.
  18. Lightskin


    I’m not understanding the correlation with our previous correspondence.
  19. Lightskin


    On edit: I believe with all my being and lean on Scripture and the guidance of the Holy Spirit that our salvation is eternal, irrevocable and is a free gift received through having faith in Jesus Christ. It is not earned nor does it need to be maintained. Just my two cents.
  20. Lightskin


    I don’t want to speak for him but to me that does not seem like security, but I’m gaining understanding that many people hold the same view and they seem happy.