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  1. Dino246

    can you guys post something funny please?

    English is lovely for that reason. ;)
  2. Dino246

    what sin do you struggle with the most?

    I constantly struggle with being right all the time. ;) Seriously, unrighteous anger is probably the sin I commit most frequently.
  3. Dino246

    Is the earth really 6000 years old?

    This is where other translations may be helpful. In the NIV, the word in Isaiah 45:18 is rendered "empty", which aligns perfectly with the six-day creation view of Genesis 1. He didn't create the Earth to be empty, but it was briefly empty and without form prior to His further action.
  4. Dino246

    Prophets, Priests and Sacrifices

    Elijah's actions on Mt. Carmel were at the explicit direction of the Lord, not at the direction of the Torah. I'm not sure where you get the idea that Samuel was of the tribe of Dan; 1 Samuel 1:1 says his father was an Ephraimite. Still not a Levite though. Any answer to your third question...
  5. Dino246

    Is the earth really 6000 years old?

    Respectfully, I disagree.
  6. Dino246

    Is the earth really 6000 years old?

    We were told it was the beginning. Everything else happened since then. Our post-Einstein concepts of time were not available to the ancient Israelites, so God chose concepts that were available: beginning, day one, the second day, evening, morning, so many years, etc.
  7. Dino246


    Sorry, I see Tilda Swinton as the Ice Queen from Narnia. 😜
  8. Dino246


    Most of my responses have been about faith, addressing your posts on the subject. I commented on your lack of punctuation because the lack makes your meaning uncertain. Punctuation is helpful, whether you choose to use it or not. As to your position, I maintain that Scripture does not say...
  9. Dino246


    Perhaps you should re-read what I wrote instead of snapping off irrelevant snark.
  10. Dino246


    Your argument is circular and pointless. God gives faith, but He does not exercise it. "God is the source of faith he's the creator is the point he is the source of faith when he speaks" If your punctuation-devoid word collection is interpreted as you intend it, you believe that God exercises...
  11. Dino246

    Is the earth really 6000 years old?

    Interesting take. What do you make of Exodus 20:11? Do you see it as referring to "this Creation" (as you call it) only?
  12. Dino246

    Sometimes I feel like the mega churches are all about the numbers.

    It's called a play on words. Some people would find it mildly humorous.
  13. Dino246

    Sometimes I feel like the mega churches are all about the numbers.

    Not all churches are about the numbers... some churches are about the Deuteronomy.
  14. Dino246


    Faith is indeed foundational for a right relationship with God, but faith is distinct from knowledge. There is no biblical support for the idea that God "had faith" that His words would be effectual. On the contrary, for Him to "have faith" would be for Him to be subject to a higher power with...
  15. Dino246

    Out of tune with church music

    The sources you mention definitely don’t have a corner on poor lyrics. I often see wacky lyrics from songwriters who have other songs with rock-solid lyrics. Unfortunately, it appears that Christian music publishers are not being sufficiently critical of the material they publish. Ironically...
  16. Dino246

    Is the earth really 6000 years old?

    Again, this is an assumption. It is perfectly possible that the ‘pitch’ used was simply tree sap prepared for the purpose, possibly by boiling.
  17. Dino246

    Is the earth really 6000 years old?

    One unwarranted assumption after another.
  18. Dino246

    I find it very sad when Christians put their opinions over scripture. Some examples.

    I understand your point. That 'reading into the text' (eisegesis) is very common. That's why I often direct people to the actual text of Scripture instead of to their interpretation of Scripture. One suggestion I might offer: pick your battles. You aren't going to convince everyone every time...