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  1. Dino246

    Would you date or marry a separated or divorced person?

    Many people who have a “strong stance” on remarriage overlook the part about ‘except for adultery’. Unless you know the divorce was for other reasons, don’t judge.
  2. Dino246

    Principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world

    Thanks. Perhaps you could provide some examples? It has been a while since I read it.
  3. Dino246

    Date or court?

    Sadly, too many dates end up in court. … Wait… 🥸
  4. Dino246

    Principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world

    Whatever. you’re welcome to your opinion.
  5. Dino246

    Principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world

    And that makes his theology bad? Nobody is suggesting that we follow his example.
  6. Dino246

    Principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world

    Clearly, the problem is a lack of discernment between fiction and non-fiction, not between Christian and non-Christian.
  7. Dino246

    Principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world

    Gee, that's so helpful. Not at all. Maybe next time, try embodying your user name, or at least provide an explanation as to your concerns.
  8. Dino246

    The Alpha Course

    We Christians better stop using the entire alphabet too, while we're at it... just in case. smh...
  9. Dino246

    Principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world

    Although it is fiction and not Scripture, an excellent source to answer your questions is C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters. Lewis demonstrates how unclean spirits influence humans from the perspective of the spirits themselves. If you're interested in something more real-world, I'd suggest...
  10. Dino246

    Does "Elohim" in any way prove the Trinity?

    With respect, and in reference to WilliamJordan's post #6, your response is too simplistic. Elohim is the word used for the spirit of Samuel when he is raised by the witch of Endor at Saul's request. Therefore, it is neither exclusively divine nor exclusively plural.
  11. Dino246

    can someone explain why do we christians say Jesus is God himself

    Jesus, while in the flesh on earth, did not know the timing of His return. There is no biblical reason to think He still doesn’t.
  12. Dino246

    Military Veteran Soils Himself After Cops Deny Him Entry Into Restroom

    Agreed... "To serve and protect" is just a slogan instead of a deeply-held value.
  13. Dino246

    Military Veteran Soils Himself After Cops Deny Him Entry Into Restroom

    Exactly. I've seen many (probably far too many) videos of police enforcing ego, feelings, agendas, or policy instead of enforcing only the law. Too often, the badge is treated as a license to abuse people instead of a responsibility to protect people.
  14. Dino246

    The assembling to meet the Lord

    I'll be the monkey with the wrench... Most of the books of the NT were written in the three decades prior to 70 AD (let's ignore the debate on the dating of Revelation for the moment). The Jewish "world" came to an end with the destruction of the temple at the hands of the Romans in that year...
  15. Dino246

    Jesus, before becoming a man

    I disagree with your closing sentence. Many people (I would suggest most people) who come to saving faith have not yet wrestled through the issue of Jesus' deity. It's something that God works out in them after salvation. As Jesus said to Peter, "This was not revealed to you by flesh and blood...
  16. Dino246

    Are there other beings called gods and there would still be one God (the Father) that there is no other god beside Him.

    He is indeed the only true God, but there is a host of elohim who are loyal to Him and would not accept worship from humans. Those who rebelled, were subsequently booted from heaven, whom misguided humans call "gods", those are the evil ones.