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  1. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    I think it’s fair to say no one is trying to shut anyone up. We’re trying to educate and gain understanding. 😎
  2. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    Definitely not all, but definitely the majority. Some politicians are so brazen that when their constituents seek guidance or solutions to problems, the politicians ask what’s in it for them. Thankfully most or not that brazen.
  3. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    I know you’re right, but seeing the words president and obama together make me throw up a little in my mouth. 😆😉🤫
  4. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    Pointing out your political ideology is name calling? Then you agree being a leftist is derogatory. Thanks for playing. In the meantime, here are some crayons. 🖍 🖍 🖍
  5. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    In other news, water is wet. 🙄
  6. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    Hey 7, I think you’ll appreciate this: Three years ago my brother went to Mozambique and spent three weeks in the bush with locals who basically wear soda can tabs as jewelry. They told my brother they wanted Donald Trump to win the election because, “when America catches cold, they sneeze.”...
  7. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    Politicians are “me first” not America first.
  8. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    Says someone using the term, President Gore.
  9. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    Do you follow Scripture? I dare say you might follow it with one eye closed at best. obama hates America and Christianity, and tried to transform the greatest country ever developed in the history of humanity. America is not perfect and it indeed has blood on its hands, yet America is above...
  10. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    Hmmm, TabinRivCA, an ill-informed leftist poster on CC, or . . . The United States Supreme Court? Who should I trust? Decisions, decisions! 🤷‍♂️
  11. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    FORMER president. And the worst ever. Do get that nonsense twisted.
  12. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    I wish I was wrong, my Lady. 🙏
  13. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    My brother, of all people on Christian Chat, I may respect your views the most. With that said, I encourage you to look at the broader picture. These crazy democrats will not stop at socialism, but rather, embrace every iota of controlling, oppressive power they can obtain. Believe me when I...
  14. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    You’re right, I was trying to see the forest through the trees. But remember, the hard truth remains that socialism is simply communism-light, and often times socialism morphs into full blown communism. As radical as American democrats are today, I have no doubt communism is their end goal.
  15. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    The Democratic party in America has been taken over by full-blown leftists. A vote for democrats is a vote for communism. Vote democrats in and they will implement communism with the laws they pass. I wish it were not so.
  16. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    Apparently Candidate gore didn’t.
  17. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    You obviously want communism. Good luck with that, komrad.
  18. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    You’re right, my Lady, I have little trust in too many Americans. Especially those Americans who are dead yet still seem to vote. 😉
  19. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    Unfortunately naive sheep and lazy swine want it and can vote it in.
  20. Lightskin

    Progressive Philadelphia DA, Larry Krasner, And "Rogue" Associates Inspiring Revolutionary Justice Reform In America

    What’s a vulnerable adult? Is that kind of like a White, conservative, Christian baker living in a densely liberal state? 🤷‍♂️