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  1. Lightskin

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I rejoice that you’re repentant but sadly you’re placing your faith in your hands, not God’s hands. Relax and be at peace.
  2. Lightskin

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    If you can lose your eternal life by committing unrepentant sin then that means God is an Indian giver and not true to his word. One minute you’re saved and the next minute you’re not. I thank God my salvation is secure in his hands, rather than insecure in my hands.
  3. Lightskin

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Awww, a self righteous Pharisee. How adorable.
  4. Lightskin

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Do you sin? Yes or no?
  5. Lightskin

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    “Lose the gift of eternal life” Do you see the oxymoron in this?
  6. Lightskin

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Lol? What’s funny about you being guilty of the very words you post?
  7. Lightskin

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Amen, brother. One of my favorite parables is The Pharisee and the Tax Collector. God loves a humble heart.
  8. Lightskin

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    You’re deliberately twisting what I said. You said loving others is a work and I said loving others is a fruit. Now how about leaving the Garden of Eden and coming to the grace of the cross and empty tomb.
  9. Lightskin

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    That’s the Word of God. Romans 5:8. Take it up with God if you have a problem.
  10. Lightskin

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Many folks here say exactly that. Beware.
  11. Lightskin

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Believing in Christ means believing his perfect life, his death on the cross and his resurrection. It also means surrendering to him, which yes, means loving others. Loving others is not a work, it is a fruit.
  12. Lightskin

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Having faith in Jesus Christ is what God commands. Jesus IS our rest.
  13. Lightskin

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I put my full rest in Jesus Christ as per His words found in Matthew 11:28-30
  14. Lightskin

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    You’re a perfect example of this.
  15. Lightskin

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Because while we were still sinners, God Gave His Son for us. That’s how.
  16. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    Yeah, and?
  17. Lightskin

    4 of Satan’s biggest lies to born-again believers

    Why did I even click on this stupid thread? I should have known better.
  18. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    I thought you were referring to Tabin. That’s why I did not give it a like.
  19. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    Jesus is not going to judge you, brother. John 5.24 😎
  20. Lightskin

    Who is voting for Trump again?

    Apology accepted. 😁