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  1. Dude653

    Speaking in Tongues

    This is another highly debated topic amongst Christian denominations. I grew up Baptist and they always said it's not a real thing I used to attending on the nominational church and I would hear people doing it so is it real or are they faking?
  2. Dude653

    What is the Lesson from the +4 Trillion in lawsuits and judgements against Alex Jones

    He almost got someone killed with his pizza gate conspiracy. Alleging that a pizza gallery was smuggling children through a non-existent basement
  3. Dude653

    What is the Lesson from the +4 Trillion in lawsuits and judgements against Alex Jones

    Saying school shootings didn't happen would definitely fall under the category of tin foil hat cuckoo. This is what Alex Jones does for a living. He pedals conspiracy theories
  4. Dude653

    What is the Lesson from the +4 Trillion in lawsuits and judgements against Alex Jones

    Well for starters Alex Jones targets a specific audience which tim foil hat cuckoos . So what do you think is going to happen when you push a narrative that these people lied about the deaths of their children in order to push gun control. You're going to have every bat poop crazy gun nut ready...
  5. Dude653

    What is the Lesson from the +4 Trillion in lawsuits and judgements against Alex Jones

    The idea is to make sure he never does this again, as he has displayed zero remorse for what he did. Juries don't appreciate unremorseful defendants. In my opinion this falls under stochastic terrorism in which you demonize a group of people to the point that attacks against them become inevitable
  6. Dude653

    What is the Lesson from the +4 Trillion in lawsuits and judgements against Alex Jones

    Eye for eye, tooth for tooth He destroyed these people's lives and now he can get the same. That's Justice
  7. Dude653

    What is the Lesson from the +4 Trillion in lawsuits and judgements against Alex Jones

    As for the trillion thing, they're trying to permanently bankrupt him to make sure he never does this again. I believe the phrase here is (explitive) around and find out. This is like poking a hornet's nest and pretending to be the victim when they come out and sting you. Again, he brought this...
  8. Dude653

    What is the Lesson from the +4 Trillion in lawsuits and judgements against Alex Jones

    You don't have first amendment rights on a private owned social media site. They can filter content at their own discretion Also you agree to follow their community standards when you create your account.. Also, I have exactly zero sympathy for him. He brought this on himself
  9. Dude653

    USA is Greatest Country in the World!!!!!!!!!!

    Yep...most people can't afford to just pack up and move to another country.
  10. Dude653

    USA is Greatest Country in the World!!!!!!!!!!

    Same reason you don't buy a new car for a broken tail light. You fix the tail light
  11. Dude653

    USA is Greatest Country in the World!!!!!!!!!!

    The original poster who said that if you complain about stuff you should leave the country
  12. Dude653

    USA is Greatest Country in the World!!!!!!!!!!

    Also I noticed the person who made this post never bothered to come back and defend his position. Post and run
  13. Dude653

    US Congressman Ruskin said that Russia must be destroyed at any cost:

    I think the idea is to not start world war 3. Maybe the entire free world should just cut them off and let them be the new North korea. They will be left with two choices, capitulate or starve
  14. Dude653

    Sad statistic...

    Satanism is largely an imaginary threat. Satanist don't fly planes into buildings or behead teachers over cartoons. By the way Islam is currently the fastest growing religion in the world
  15. Dude653

    What's With These People???

    Here where I live you rarely ever see anyone wearing a mask anymore. Walmart doesn't even carry them anymore because there's no demand for them
  16. Dude653

    Who decided the U.S and G.B. should import these obelisks and why?

    Tourist attraction I guess.
  17. Dude653

    Once saved always saved (OSAS) debunked

    Is a highly debated topic amongst christians. I grew up Baptist and they always talked once saved always saved doctrine. But there are some Christian denominations who do not teach this doctrine
  18. Dude653

    Israeli Rabbis have held secret meetings with the Messiah

    Maby but since Israel are Hasidic Jews and don't believe that Christ is the Messiah there have probably been a lot of people claiming to be the Messiah
  19. Dude653

    Israeli Rabbis have held secret meetings with the Messiah

    It could be this so-called Messiah is hiring actors to pretend to be healed. American televangelists have done it
  20. Dude653

    The Gun Thread

    Okay then let's just get rid of all laws since laws are pointless. That would be a really good idea.. but anyway like I said above and my comments, I think a training course should be required to legally carry because I don't want some untrained idiot popping off rounds in Walmart parking lot...