You're moving the goal post. You said Democrats are going to kick you off the internet. That has nothing to do with masks
Also there was never a federal mask mandate. That was a state thing
The FBI isn't going to come kicking down your door unless you make a violent threat on the Internet or you're looking up inappropriate images of children or something.
And since I'm pretty sure you're not doing either of those, I wouldn't count on the FBI coming to your house
You can't compare a private Media company removing you to the Democrats kicking you off the entire internet. That's not something that happens in reality
You sounds schizophrenic if you think the Democrats are watching what you do on the internet.
Nobody cares what you're doing on the internet as long as you're not making violent threats
When my wife was with me they would come by the house. She would sit down and talk to them, I would get up and find something else to do. They are a call to teaches you to shun anyone who's not Jehovah's witness.
I've heard way too many stories about how they tear families apart. If you are just...
Yeah coincidences do happen every day.
You're thinking about McDonald's and a McDonald's commercial comes on TV
You're thinking about a friend you haven't spoken to in awhile and suddenly they send you a message
You're reading a text on your phone and you hear someone say the exact same thing...
Odds of dying smoking about 33%
The odds of dying from the vaccine are about .0003%
So you would be more likely to win the lottery, get struck by lightning and be drafted into the NBA all in the same day then to die from the vaccine
I don't want to straw man you are you claiming that they are literally sacrificing children or are you referring to abortion?
Because with abortion, now it's up to each state to decide so whoever is President is irrelevant
68% of Americans have had at least one dose of the vaccine so if it's as dangerous as people are claiming, you would expect to see a lot more casualties than we are seeing