been saying that very same thing right here in this thread for months and months.
but, there is always this nebulous plan that is going to fix everything, but very little actually comes of it...
look at it like this-
steal from your job, get caught, get fired. destruction of part of your life.
cheat on your spouse, get caught, get divorced. destruction of that part of your life.
tell lies, get caught, no one trusts you anymore. destuction of that part of your life.
now, all these...
that would be good. a lot of us who follow independent media knew about the bad news vax early, ,long before it was even available and never even thought about taking it.
now, that is interesting, because several months ago, my mother had her wellness check, cholesterol was up, she had been eating avocados , doc said that was one of the worst things one can eat to raise cholesterol....
actually, covid exposed how common sense is gone.
most of the country cowering in fear because the t v said to.
believing that your immune system is useless, but a shot will fix everything.
i could go on...