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  1. G

    The Pandemic is Over

    and that is america in 2022.
  2. G

    The plan to destroy America

    God loves the jews, the people of Israel. the zionest regime is a different story. they do some not good things, but most of the media will not talk about it. but, to be fair, most every government does not good things.
  3. G

    The plan to destroy America

    both parties do support wars. i wish we could go back to what george washington said- " no foreign entanglements"
  4. G

    The plan to destroy America

    maybe we will be told what the " other option" is..... would love to hear this one...
  5. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    the l a times has a article today about a Q anon follower who chased a capital police officer convicted for i 6" once again , the mainstream media pointing TOWARD Q. the media never, ever points to anything that they do not want people to look at. so, when the media consistently points to Q...
  6. G

    California Governor Newsom is quoting Jesus to promote abortion

    and, if you look on social media, you have folks defending what she said. and planned parenthood changed info on their website to match what she said.
  7. G

    California Governor Newsom is quoting Jesus to promote abortion

    never thought about that, very good point.
  8. G

    California Governor Newsom is quoting Jesus to promote abortion

    i was about to say the same thing- these people have no bottom, no self awareness, no conscience.
  9. G

    The plan to destroy America

    yes, i feel this way at times. but, i have been trying to remind myself to love our enemies and bless those who curse us.\ some of them are evil, but some are misguided and uninformed.
  10. G

    Even So Faith, If It Hath Not Works, Is Dead, Being Alone.

    what a lot of people think and teach is that we are saved by faith, proven and maintained by good works, and as long as you have faith and keep doing good works and abstaining from sin, God extends grace. that makes sense, but it is man made teaching ,not what the Bible teaches. the Bible...
  11. G

    The plan to destroy America

    and this is what you get when the president repeatedly calls his poliical opponents extremists and terrorists , this is going to happen.
  12. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    you mean another stolen election? you mean patriots in jail? ' yep, we are heading toward that. no storm is coming, no help is coming, deep state in firm control.
  13. G

    The Shortage, Are You Preparing?

    they have plenty of covid camps to hold a good many of those people.
  14. G

    The plan to destroy America

    the lawsuits precede the indictments.....
  15. G

    The Pandemic is Over

    and the general population listens to the main stream media and does what they say. sad. very sad.
  16. G

    Anti-vaxxers are people too?

    there are pages of proof right here in this thread. but, i suspect that when you say " proof" you mean the government , media, or the medical industry say that the vax is not good. hint- they are not going to.
  17. G

    Anti-vaxxers are people too?

    the virus has a 97-98 % survival rate in most developed countries. so, not a huge threat.
  18. G

    Once saved always saved?

    that is fine, but sadly, if people do not want to see anything else except confirmation of what they already believe, then they can pray all they want, but will see nothing new or something else.
  19. G

    The plan to destroy America

    now, if only that would be enforced....
  20. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    so, today, the new york times had a article about how trump played a q annon song at his latest rally. so, once again the media pointing TOAWRD Q. why is the media pointing toward Q, as if they want folks to check it out. they never point toward anything they think is a threat.