Yes, and every temptation we face is temporary too.
We've been over this. We differ. Let it go.
You still haven't acknowledged your insult of me, but you have chafed at my non-insult until you are proven wrong... and still you gripe.
I didn't call you anything. I called your comment a name...
Could it? Yes. Must it? No.
Um, no, it doesn't. Not in Matthew 24, not in Mark 13, and not in Luke 21.
Fair enough. You have your view, I have mine, and we both believe our views are biblical, for if we didn't we wouldn't hold them. ;)
Here's one very plausible explanation:
The context is Jerusalem, not the entire globe. As I said before, no greater calamity has ever come upon Jerusalem. The days of suffering of the Jews because of their rejection of their Messiah were ordained by God in advance. God shortened the days...
Is hunger internal or external?
One would not name a donkey, "Asinine" any more than one would name a horse, "Equine". "Asinine" has never been a cuss word. It simply means "relating to a donkey".
Get over it, already. You're being a stubborn jackdonkey about this.
You don't know what my credentials are, and it's best not to make negative assumptions about people. Or, if you do, keep them to yourself.
If you understand it to be an archaic word, then you understand that it's not the best translation and that a different word captures the sense better.
Nor is it that. It's a quotation from Psalm 82:6, the context of which is God speaking to divine beings (spiritual entities that are not God). It cannot mean mere men, because God warns them later in that verse that they will die "like men". Jesus' point is that calling an entity (other than God...
You're playing semantic games. The words plainly mean "in similar manner".
I have warned you of your heresy. I will not entertain it further.
I used the word, "asinine", not the word, "ass" and I meant it as a derivative of donkey, not of a person's behind. It was never a cuss word. Get over...
Again, this is quite possible if one considers the destruction was the greatest that ever befell Jerusalem. The city was emptied of Jews, either by death or capture into slavery.
Not at all. I uphold the upright character and unstained goodness of Jesus Christ, Who is God incarnate... and believe at face value the words of Scripture that say He was tempted as we are.
Sorry, I misunderstood. Thanks for your response. I disagree though, and I believe that the two are speaking about exactly the same set of events, not two sets that are separated by about two millenia. I believe your interpretation starts with conclusions about other passages rather than...
Scripture says that Jesus was tempted as we are. You continually claim that He was tempted differently than we are.
You are promoting a heresy here, and I'll bet you don't realize it: that Jesus was not fully human.
Scripture tells us that Jesus hungered, thirsted, wept, and became fatigued...
Which must mean you believe Adam did have such a sin nature even before he sinned.
I propose that Adam, prior to committing that first sin, was capable of not committing it. His choice to eat the forbidden fruit resulted in him, Eve, and every descendant (aside from Jesus in His humanity)...
Um, no, Scripture doesn't even hint at that. The sin to which He was tempted was to break His fast by exercising power on his own (apart from His Father's direction).
As my answer to your questions is "No", your accusation is unfounded.
I could say exactly the same thing to you. I...
Setting Daniel 9 aside for a moment, why then did the believers leave Jerusalem in 70 AD just prior to its destruction? How do you interpret these passages (which to many readers are blatantly obviously the same events)?
Luke 21:20b-22a “When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you...
I'm responding to two different people in this post because both responses are relevant to both posts.
Your extreme example misses the point. Jesus was hungry after fasting for 40 days. He had an internal physical need for sustenance and nourishment. He had the power to change stones into...
Here are my words:
"Consider the implications of the second: Scripture is leading us to believe that there is a conceptual sleight-of-hand involved in the temptation, or in short, a lie. God is sidestepping with an awkward, "Well, Jesus couldn't actually sin, of course, and 'tempted' here means...