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  1. S


    The flu shot has been a thing for years. People have died just from the side effects of that. My concern is if this particular vaccine in an effort to supposedly combat Covid-19 becomes a mandate. Like for instance masks are now. Shops here have signs, even Uber's. No mask no service. Imagine a...
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    China Issues an Alert About Bubonic Plague

    Yes, I heard that the black plague during the middle ages I think it was, was spread by fleas. I don't know about outbreaks happening on occasion though. And no I haven't heard about 5G having anything to do with this. That would be silly wouldn't it? How could a cellular communications system...
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    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    Mask mandates are a big issue now from what I've heard. I hate masks because they're never comfortable and in this summer heat it gets incredibly hot between the nose and mouth that is covered. No matter the mask material. Flu virus is transmitted through the air and on surfaces. Wouldn't...
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    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    I'll take the first part, who. Jephthah . I forget why.
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    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    That's it. :) Isn't it your turn now to ask a trivia question?
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    We, the elect, can save the world from Coronavirus

    I was merely making a synopsis of your first post about God's responsibility for Coronavirus.
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    China Issues an Alert About Bubonic Plague

    The Black Death is back? Coronavirus was from China? Now this report from inner Mongolia. What's going on? Bubonic Plague Alert China What is The Black Death: Bubonic Plague
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    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Love the classics. 1961 AMC Rambler Ambassador 1948 Buick Roadmaster convertible
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    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    I think Andy Maleh's answer to this one from the multi-question post by laftur is wrong. Q: How many days after Jesus' resurrection was He on the Earth before He was taken up to Heaven for the last time? Not three days, but forty days. Jesus was in the tomb for three days. Q: Where did the...
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    Acts 21:21 Did Paul teach to abandon Moses?

    Didn't Jesus say nothing of the old covenant will pass away as long as heaven and earth exist?
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    We, the elect, can save the world from Coronavirus

    Love me, follow only me, or I'll wipe you out with a virus?
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    Not By Works

    I Maybe you're being ironic?
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    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    There is talk now of the resurgence of a more dangerous mutation of Covid 19. The prior Coronavirus is said to have mutated and impacts the DNA of the infected. Yes, I think this is being used as a weapon. All that is what flu virus does to an infected person. There's plenty of information out...
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    Supreme Court Birth control

    This is one of the articles on this case.
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    The United States of America is a Constitutional Democratic Republic, to put a fine point on it. And, finer still, it is a Corporation.
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    AOC would be challenged to spell the word, sabotage.