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  1. S

    Calvinist Kitchen...stirring the pot

    Tell you the truth, after getting all that off my chest and after making myself read all that stuff about that Dort bunch and the rest, I just want to stand in my den and pull my hair and scream as loud as I can. WHO BELIEVES THIS BULL............? Much less dedicates their life looking down...
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    Calvinist Kitchen...stirring the pot

    Thanks for sharing that. I didn't know there were four point Calvinists. I read what I mentioned earlier. Synod of Dort and all the rest. Forgive me but, what a bunch of contradictory malarkey. Talk about Elitist bunk! The whole thing is just insulting to God and Jesus. God predestined...
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    The 1619 Project

    There's a thought. I heard a long time ago that the machinations behind world control operate with an agenda and vision that spans across centuries. Not planning in terms of a mere generation or so but even possibly into millennia. I think I'm going to avail myself of the book my cousin keeps...
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    Calvinist Kitchen...stirring the pot

    OK, I'm off to read more. I'm sure this discussion will be here when I come back all edumacated on Dort, the Belgic Confession and Heidelberg Catechism. :giggle:
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    We have a new Presidential Candidate for the 2020 US Elections

    I don't think Jim Henson imagined a beast when sewing together his first Muppet.
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    Calvinist Kitchen...stirring the pot

    Funny guy. :) Optimistic too. I am sure there are more people here that are able to do that than this one who just started reading.
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    Calvinist Kitchen...stirring the pot

    That's what I thought . I think it is because we hear of Calvin and TULIP exclusively. No sub-text or precursor, just Calvin and TULIP are conflated as one having created the other.
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    Calvinist Kitchen...stirring the pot

    I found information. This is going to take longer to read and study than I thought. I wanted to share this meanwhile. I found it at this site. The Synod of Dort was held in order to settle a serious controversy in the Dutch churches...
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    Calvinist Kitchen...stirring the pot

    I'm going to look up Synod of Dort . Thanks.
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    Joining the armed forces, is it the christian thing to do?

    It is absolutely of God. And if you do choose to join, may God bless and protect you.
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    Calvinist Kitchen...stirring the pot

    That's sad. That means when we read what Hell is and when it opens to receive souls, those souls don't need to be judged because they're already predestined to go there. Sorta puts the kibosh on the benevolent God profile. Sounds more like Satan to me.
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    Calvinist Kitchen...stirring the pot

    That salutation doesn't invite a discussion now does it? You're totally unshakable in what you perceive are these truths. What's your real point?
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    Couple Defends Home against Trespassers

    I watched the video that is in this discussion part and I have no idea what you are referring to when you say the husband pointed the gun at, and the wife pointed her pistol at her husbands head with finger on the trigger. I don't take the rest of your opinion seriously at all. If you are...
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    The 1619 Project

    Historical negationism has been in effect for a very long time and quite likely world wide at this point. My question is, what is the objective?
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    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    I thought this may be good news here too. Idiots Guide To Fake Coronavirus Data I'm not shocked by this actually. Why would fake news stop at pandemic?
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    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    Brace Yourself: In 2018 the Flu Put More of a Strain on U.S. Hospitals Than COVID-19 Has (Fauci Still at Large) I'm growing to like RedState reporting. Maybe because I so wish I lived in one.
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    Nation Of Islam, Black Racism And Hatred In America

    In the early years of Farrakhan's reign as I remember it, media did report fairly. It seems now though the idea is to make for white persecution through the efforts of the #cancelculture and white shaming movement the culprit behind all things. And the black culture their victims. I don't think...
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    Couple Defends Home against Trespassers

    Is it? "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
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    Couple Defends Home against Trespassers

    This article from yesterday supports what has been said about a private gated street. As attorney Harmeet K. Dhillon explained...