always came across as a weird thing to be so obsessed with, the earth being flat.
heck , i have even heard Christians say that one has to believe in flat earth to be truly saved.
strange hill to die on.
Jesus was a jewish man, born under the Law.
so were all the Apostles.
can't separate the Law from Israel.
can't separate the 10 Commands from the Law.
Old Covenant.
New Covenant.
not a renewed. New.
nothing funny about a man getting a 20 year prison sentence for tresspassing.
and this is why i call you the cnn of Christian chat- defend the narrative at all costs.
so, i am ducking out.
the willfully blind cannot be made to see.
actually, i forgot some more winning that happened today-
richard barnett was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison.
who is he??
he is the guy who was sitting in pelosi's office on j 6.
so, he trusted the plan. he thought Q was right and the patriots were winning.
and is now a deep state...
"with every legalist, works salvationist, it comes down to this " you are not arguing with me, you are arguing with God"
many years here for me, many legalists, same taking point.
as if you speak true words.....
real scoreboard- deep state 37 , patriots 21.
It was 28-0, so patriots slowly closing the gap, got a ways to go.
and we all know who has real INFO and who does not.