i am on twitter daily. have yet to see it. see no one saying anything about it.
not saying that it is not happening, just saying as a active daily user, not seeing it.
because they know Q is just at best a false hope factory, or at worst co intell pro.
now, if you take real INFO, then the deep state is doing everything they can to shut them down.
and your new hero musk have a hard NO to alex getting his twitter back, nor, to my knowledge , any other infowars...
i have been telling you about this for months, and your response was to laugh at it.
oh, but now that the all seeing and all knowing Q says it, you take it seriously.
as usual, 6 months behind real INFO.
for Israel only. not for gentles.
Paul made this clear. his letters are authortative Scripture.
so, out of respect , i will bow out of this debate.
God bless you and be well.
Christ was born under the Law. of course He kept the Sabbath. ( and, by the way, He did rise on the Sabbath).
gentiles were and are not under the Law and not required to keep the Sabbath.
sadly, along side of that, kids here in america take a lot ( too many) psychotropic drugs for depression.
these can cause a disconnect from reality. couple those two with shoot um up video games, there is strong connection with school shootings.