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  1. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    Pistachio and I are cool with each other. Signed, his light skinned friend. 😎 On another note: praise openly, correct privately.
  2. Lightskin

    Living in a crazy world, looking for peace....

    Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. ~~ Matthew 11:28-30
  3. Lightskin


    If I wrote down some of my dreams I’d be medicated, neutered and locked up in a mental institution with no exit doors.
  4. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    Houston, we have a problem.
  5. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    You’ve finally written something everyone agrees with.
  6. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    Pistachio, where do you come up with this stuff? I think your heart and intentions are good but you have skewed beliefs.
  7. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    Jesus paid for our sins in full. We don’t have to work for salvation or to maintain it.
  8. Lightskin

    The Pilgrims Progress

    Of course I’m going to have to reread the book sometime soon now that brother Ed has made good mention of it. 😎
  9. Lightskin

    The Pilgrims Progress

    I read the book about 20 years ago. Very enjoyable and inspirational. 😎
  10. Lightskin

    Is God A Moral Monster?

    Atheists defining God in a negative manner are like fish criticizing fresh air.
  11. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    The above post was given a surprise face by a new member . . . a DConn imposter. Literally. 😆
  12. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    This is where you and I are at an impasse.
  13. Lightskin

    Isaiah 55: Salvation is for ALL

    God interacted with people all the time before Jesus walked the earth. Some people believed God and were deemed righteous. Abraham is our greatest example.
  14. Lightskin

    Isaiah 55: Salvation is for ALL

    The people who lived before Christ walked the earth, technically heard the Gospel, but differently than we hear it today. They put their trust in God that the Messiah would come and they were deemed righteous by believing God. So you and I are in agreement. I also like to believe that many...
  15. Lightskin

    Isaiah 55: Salvation is for ALL

    Don’t get mad. You made a grammatical error which caused confusion and after which you clarified yourself. Isn’t communication wonderful? 😊
  16. Lightskin

    Matthew 20:16

    No 😊
  17. Lightskin

    Isaiah 55: Salvation is for ALL

    Whew! “Was” got by me because you incorrectly used the word “have” rather than “had”. I trust you understand your mistake. 😉
  18. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    Thanks for sharing your insight, brother. I completely agree with your analysis.
  19. Lightskin

    Isaiah 55: Salvation is for ALL

    Saved by grace through faith — believing God that He would send the Messiah.
  20. Lightskin

    Isaiah 55: Salvation is for ALL

    I’m snipped. Am I saved because of it? 🤔