There was coffee, and the people rejoiced... and temporarily suspended their usual practice of assaulting one other over the slightest of micro-aggressions.
Two large-ish mugs a day, typically, is enough to keep me 'rejoicing'. ;)
Your reaction tells me that you haven’t thought through the whole issue. You’re stuck on your narrow (and erroneous) position. Instead of considering why you might be wrong, you’re simply dismissing the question.
I find it interesting that you accuse modern translations of teaching this. I have only heard it from KJV-only folks like @John146 who believes Jesus’ faith saves him.
A Moslem is a follower of the religion of Islam. It’s the same as Muslim.
It’s not the same as Arab. Again, Arab is an ethnicity, Moslem denotes religion.
As a Christian, I would not take any advice from a JW on what to celebrate.
Consider this: celebrating a non-religious event such as Mother’s Day is very different from celebrating the “special occasion” of a false religion such as Ramadan.