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  1. Aerials1978

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    i don’t offense. I’ve had really harsh words spoken to me. I been called a Flat-Earther by an atheist, was told by both a Muslim and a Christian that I’m going to hell, etc. People whom give is a two-fold scenario; they either give out of compulsion due obligation or a joyful heart. Neither...
  2. Aerials1978

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    I do give. I don’t adhere to tithing specifically. I live my life everyday giving to the Lord. When someone is in true need, I try to be a blessing.
  3. Aerials1978

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    ?. In what context are you asking?
  4. Aerials1978

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    What happens to the other 90% is up to the person. A wise individual will not squander it but use it to what is good. Of course if we lived in a perfect world there would be no need for currency.
  5. Aerials1978

    Do you believe it's God's will that you just lead and disregard if your family doesn't follow?

    Your right that God does not force someone’s will. Wondering when the Lords hand will move can be a time consuming event. Rest assured that it will and it may not come in the way we think. This verse has carried me through troubling times, but His promises are good and true.
  6. Aerials1978

    Do you believe it's God's will that you just lead and disregard if your family doesn't follow?

    Fellowship with family is not always easy. LOL. You’re doing right by praying first and foremost. Living your faith in front of them second. Loving with compassion( and at times with sternness) to them third. You will give glory to God. Keep fighting the good fight! You be amazed what the...
  7. Aerials1978

    What is the purpose of marriage biblically?

    Yes. Who could have put it better. LOL!
  8. Aerials1978

    Help and Prayer

    I know exactly what you mean. Words are easily spoken, but actions show true change. That could take awhile. Trust shouldn’t be give over if it will just be broken again. I can tell you from my experience with a long term relationship that had ended is if someone or something is hindering your...
  9. Aerials1978

    Help and Prayer

    Sounds like you’re in a very complicated situation. Given how long you two have been a couple just adds to complexity of it. Love and trust is hard thing to give someone who has not show to be worthy of such. Do you love her enough to see through all of the issues that arise?
  10. Aerials1978

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    In a culture such as mine, there seems to be a real lack of reverence. This can include family, marriage, fellowship, interactions with those whom we do not know, work, etc. It’s should be no surprise the lack of reverence is also among the things of God. Christians can also fall into this...
  11. Aerials1978

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    This is why I enjoy these type of conversations. I know there are people whom will only what to argue from a legalistic or ecclesiastical position, but I can also maybe considering something I haven’t. That doesn’t mean I will take it as fact. I knew this would be controversial when I started...
  12. Aerials1978

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    What ever your souls says you need to do, do it joyfully. From your words I’m sure you do.
  13. Aerials1978

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    I can certainly see your position with regards to Abraham. Christians follow and belong to Christ. When Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees, he was calling them out for their hypocrisy. They said Abraham was their Father. Well as the Jewish Leaders, they were not doing as Abraham did. Also...
  14. Aerials1978

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    Great answer and testimony. I think you’re absolutely correct. If you feel that you owe God a tenth of your amenities, that is what he called for you to do. Thank you so much for your honest reply! God bless.
  15. Aerials1978

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    You are correct with Abraham tithing, but there is no commandment to do so in the New Covenant. I’m not saying that a person should not do so if they feel that is their obligation to God. Thanks for posting!
  16. Aerials1978

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    TD Jakes. LOL! My parents use to watch him.
  17. Aerials1978

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    Agreed. If you give graciously you will receive abundantly. Now this doesn’t necessarily mean monetary blessings. I did attained a Church that really put a focus on tithing. It was called the “10/10/80” plan. Save 10%, tithe 10%, and live off of 80%. It’s not a bad idea per say, but it certainly...
  18. Aerials1978

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    I might be kicking a hornets nest, but I would like to know what some people’s opinions on the matter are. Are we called to give a tenth as the Israelites were, or do we give according what’s in our heart? Please let me know. I look forward to a spirited(And friendly) discussion.