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  1. Aerials1978

    Does Oneness theology (Modalism) teach a "sock puppet" view of God's nature?

    Even though scripture doesn’t mention the word “Trinity” the very nature of God being three distinct persons yet in total unification is clear. Us trying to understand this with our finite minds is impossible to comprehend. Pentecostals still believe the Apostolic age is still being given by...
  2. Aerials1978

    Help and Prayer

    I wouldn’t be too concerned with dreams. They are usually a result of our concerns with the waking hours. When God speaks to you, you will know. He who has ears, let me hear.
  3. Aerials1978

    Torah Observant Christians.

    The Law was given to the Hebrews to show them what sin was. Paul refers to this in Romans chapter 7. If Humans were able to keep the law and never break it(If one law is broken all of them are) there would be no need for sacrificial atonement.
  4. Aerials1978

    Missing Companionship.

    You’re assuming I’m asking anyone here to do something, which is not the case. I interact with a lot of people and I am joyful. I simply wanted to express how I felt, nothing more. Maybe this is the problem with forums. A lot of things can be miss construed. Does anyone listen or do they only...
  5. Aerials1978


  6. Aerials1978

    Missing Companionship.

    I have done more than just self reflect. I have had total conviction. Yes, I’m the prime reason why that marriage fell apart. I was not the spiritual husband or father that I was called to be. God had to strip me of my worldly perspective. That He did and I praise Him for that. What happens now...
  7. Aerials1978

    Missing Companionship.

    There are many things that make her special. Some of those I chose to keep to myself. It’s not that I’m looking for comfort in another women’s arms. I’m just saying what I miss. I don’t know what the future holds, only God does.
  8. Aerials1978

    Missing Companionship.

    Thank you! I am just lamenting, but it is not a yoke that I carry. Believe me, the Lord has made it abundantly clear of whom is first and foremost in my life. I was striped of my comfort in order to get me back to the path of His righteousness as painful as that may be.
  9. Aerials1978

    Missing Companionship.

    Thank you for you kind words. For the time the Lord has said for me to be still, to which I have. I was told to be compassionate, accommodating, and to say no ill words. I have done this this far. Only God can mend what is broken. Even if He doesn’t, I will still praise Him for my Earthy...
  10. Aerials1978


    They only advise someone like myself can give is pray and petition before the Lord not only for yourself but for him as well. I know from personal experience that alcohol abuse is the most damaging to a marriage. I won’t kid you and say there is an easy way out. If you are truly sincere and...
  11. Aerials1978

    Missing Companionship.

    As I enter my fourth month essentially belong single, I have had much time to reflect on this. My conclusion is, I miss my soon to be ex-wife. There are many aspects that I long for. We haven’t seen each other for over a month now. All communication has been done by text messages. I do miss...
  12. Aerials1978

    Torah Observant Christians.

    I would say they don’t. Again these were given to the Hebrews. Are they standards in which Christians should strive for with regards to their faith? I would say yes. This of course will not earn you salvation. We have already broken these commandments which makes us law breakers. If we do break...
  13. Aerials1978

    Torah Observant Christians.

    One would think this issue was resolved 2000 years ago. Some Christians believe this will make they more acceptable to God. Of course it won’t.
  14. Aerials1978

    Torah Observant Christians.

    I have to disagree. If one is it to follow a portion of these Laws, one must follow all of them. Even the Israelites couldn’t do that. The letter from Apostles to the Church or Antioch addressed Christian Believes whom wanted to be observant to all of the Hebrew Laws.
  15. Aerials1978

    Torah Observant Christians.

    The discussion I started with regards to “Tithing” was interesting to say the least. This brings me to another topic I would like to hear from people on. Torah observant Christians. Of course there plenty of scripture in the NT contrary to this brief, but I would certainly like to heard others...
  16. Aerials1978

    The Gardener

    My field is thick with thorns. My field is arid and parched. In the morning I seek dew and see not a drop among my leafs. The sun rises and withers my vines. Not a bud has emerged, not a berry has been born. With sorrow I sit among my flowers that give no aroma. As my tears fall upon the...
  17. Aerials1978

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them Matthew 7:17-20
  18. Aerials1978

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    I know Paul spoke of circumcision of the heart. Also, the Apostles warned new Believers not become circumcised as they were trying to follow Mosaic Law(New Wineskins). There is nowhere that Christians are called to tithe. If you decided to, that’s between that person and God.
  19. Aerials1978

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    There is no qualification. Either you belong to Jesus or you don’t. What you do with your money is between you and God.