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    Watching The UFC - Is It Wrong?

    Don't join the rat race. Your chief goal in life is not to marry, have children, send them to college, provide a comfortable retirement for you and your wife. Your chief goal in life is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and serve him, eagerly looking for His glorious appearing and knowing...
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    Is everything scripture tells us from an eternal God, so all scripture is always true?

    Heb 8:13 By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
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    Watching The UFC - Is It Wrong?

    I think for you it is time to stop. You must be responsive to the leading of the Spirit. I used to watch UFC myself. It was really the only sport I enjoyed watching. I think the root reason was wishing I had the skills they had just in case I ever had to take down a bad guy or protect...
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    Very General; What it Takes to Have a Good Marriage

    Good point. Expectations are a source of disappointment. Similar to the idea of personal rights. When someone crosses ones "lines" that they have created. These all have their roots in a life that is self serving. My guess is that most people enter marriage for self serving reasons. Thus...
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    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    Rev 21 26The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it. 27Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life. To suggest that the overcomers of Rev 3 are not in this City is...
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    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    Thanks for providing reliable resource information. So this DNA referred to is the DNA of the virus. It is not changing your DNA. I would not be scared by the use of the word DNA. It is how they modify the...
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    Very General; What it Takes to Have a Good Marriage

    I am sorry for your loss. I hope you find someone who you can enjoy such a life with once again. And I bet you were nice to him most of the time, even when you were mad.
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    Very General; What it Takes to Have a Good Marriage

    I don't think being nice all the time is being perfect. The only way I would consider marriage is if I had a great confidence that I had found someone who knew how to be nice all the time. To be nice all the time is simply being a normal mature, human being. People don't even have to be...
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    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    Israel will be saved. And I am in agreement with those who interpret this as all those of Israel who will turn to Christ and that there is probably going to be a major Christian revival in the nation of Israel itself at the end right before the resurrection of the dead because of the way Paul...
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    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    Such an interpretation would separate the apostles from the church? Not following you. This vision is a grand finale of theological eschatology. There is no one left out of the city but the dogs and unbelievers who are in the lake of fire. The saved are WITHIN, and the unsaved are WITHOUT...
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    Very General; What it Takes to Have a Good Marriage

    What it Takes to Have a Good Marriage? Assuming they are two sincere Christians.... Both people must be super nice to each other all the time. End of counseling session. :)
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    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    We will sit on thrones with Him and this is hinted at with the scene in Rev 4 and 5 of which chapters in my opinion is suggestive of the raptured saints. I do think that there are levels of higher rewards based on faithfulness to the call in this life. The translation most favored is the...
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    Bride of Christ - who is She?

    I think that the New Jerusalem is clearly the combination of all the redeemed, both the Old Testament saints symbolized by the 12 gates and all the church symbolized by the 12 foundation of the apostles. This is the promise of both being one through Christ in the everlasting New heavens and new...
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    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    Amen and certainly the New Testament teaches a life of always being ready with great expectation. Watch...
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    Medical science advances as do other technologies such as computers. We are getting better at immunology, virology, and vaccine production. The great news here is that we were able to create a successful vaccine. Some viruses do not yet have one. For this we can praise God for his Grace and...
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    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    But that is like being in a burning building sitting at a table and saying "we do not know the long term effects of fire extinguishers" We know that the vaccines save lives. We have proof. We know that they are safe. We have proof. We do know that there have never been long term adverse...
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    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    If you have been a christian for more than a decade you will see a pattern. There is always some new conspiracy concerning something we must avoid as it might be the mark of the beast. Rev 13 does not read like that. It is a judgment upon those who worship the image. They will be killed if...
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    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    A pre millennial rapture was the clear teaching of the first century and the first few hundred years and it revived again after dark ages. The timing of the rapture itself related to the tribulation might not have been written about but it is not so surprising that it would be explored more...
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    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    Luciferase is a generic term for the class of oxidative enzymes that produce bioluminescence. Now it is one of the possible methods experimented with to give a tatoo under the skin that will glow under an infrared light and be read by a scanner as a method for marking people as a vaccine...
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    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    A simple google "does mRNA change human DNA" can clear this up. Sorry you were freaked out unnecessarily. Reading science journals can help you with this sort of thing in the future. Get vaccinated. Sleep well.