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    Speaking to homosexuals

    Maybe you were thinking of this verse from Eph 5:12 11And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. 12For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret Sometimes people want to talk about homosexual activity and this one...
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    Very General; What it Takes to Have a Good Marriage

    Marraige was not commanded for elders or deacons. The instructions were to be blameless and if married to be married to only one wife and if they had children to govern them well. Single men could be elders and deacons. Paul would never command marriage. He would not command to be single...
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    Reformed Church in America splits over LGBTQ

    God will have the final word. Judgment is coming. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah.
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    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    Greetings brother. I do not write in a spirit of arguing either. I enjoy provoking one another to careful exegesis to determine correct interpretations. I appreciate the spirit of your response. I agree that Paul had many revelations. Some of which he would not share with his readers...
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    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    Of course it applied to them. The dead in Christ are raised when that Last Trump and the Voice of the Archangel is heard. That means that if they were not alive at the time they would be dead and still hear it and be raised. It had to apply to them whether they were alive or dead. And the...
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    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    Daniel 12:1,2 1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall...
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    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    Unless..... The Trump Paul is referring to is not the same kind of Trumpet John saw in his vision. You are assuming that it is. What if Paul was talking about something different. A definition of the Trump Paul is referring to is in order. What is this "Trump" and what is the original Greek...
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    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    I think at this point... when you suggest that Paul wrote something to the Corinthians that they were not supposed to understand.. .you have made a complete train wreck out of your methods of interpretation and have violated all agreed upon rules of hermeneutics accepted by intellectually honest...
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    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    We should be paying attention to what Paul said he knew not what we imagine that he might have known. To imagine that Paul had the same visions of 7 trumpets before John did is an imagination that has no scripture to support it. It is not even fair to Paul to suggest it. We can only know...
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    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    Yes many things in Revelation are references from the prophets of the OT. If Paul had an understanding about a last trump he probably got it from the same place he got the revelation about the Voice of the Archangel. Something from the OT prophets. And Paul did expect his readers to...
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    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    I am saying that it would impossible for Paul to have had that in mind. Revelation would not be written for another 40 years. (or 20 if you believed in an earlier date for Rev) Therefore it is not possible that Corinthians when they read the letter would have had any knowledge of the...
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    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    And please understand. I am not trying to attack you or be mean or argue. I am trying to engage you in intellectual break down of the possible interpretation of what Paul would have expected the Corinthians to have understood him to be referring to. It is more natural, intuitive idea that...
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    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    Then you are saying that you believe that the Corinthians had an understanding about 7 trumpets from Revelation before Revelation was written? Are you saying that Paul wrote this reference Last Trump and that the Corinthians did not understand it? You must answer that question or you have not...
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    Very General; What it Takes to Have a Good Marriage

    One thing is for certain. If you do marry, you will have trouble in the flesh. It's part of it. You will also have to spend a significant amount of time doing things that have no eternal significance. It's part of it. The question you must ask is.."Are the benefits of marriage worth...
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    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    Your opinion that Paul's reference to the Last Trump while writing to the Corinthians in 54 AD was concerning a revelation given to Paul (but not explained to the Corinthians) before John saw his vision and wrote about it in 95 AD means that the Corinthians received a letter referencing a "Last...
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    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    How could Paul be thinking of Johns trumpets in Revelation when John had not even written it yet? He couldn't. Paul had something else in mind. What do you think he would have been referring to? Something in the scriptures no doubt. Something familiar to the readers from the Old Testament.
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    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    Have you tried looking up this verse about "Last Trump" in a commentary? I think Paul is referring to the prophetic warning kind of trump. I don't think he had the Jewish feast days in mind and I am certain he did not have the trumpets of John in mind. Also, since Paul said that to depart...
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    CRA Christians in Recovery (anonymous)

    All Christians used to be addicted to sin and the lusts of the flesh. We all have a testimony of how the Lord delivered us from that mess. No reason to be anonymous about it. Shout it from the housetops.
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    Watching The UFC - Is It Wrong?

    I will send you and email. And you are not too old. 50s are a great age for entering the ministry. The link I gave is perfect for you.
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    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    Close enough. Much better than many other explanations. I think you said it right in the last couple of sentences. Personally I don't think it is a riddle or a mystery but a parable making a point from an example familiar to daily life in that culture at that time. It is a parable and the...