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  1. JohnDB

    Corruption in our legal system exposed as Fani and Wade exposed as liars

    Personally I tend to think that we need to get this "DEI" stuff out of the justice system. That's the stuff that causes no bail money needed for being bailed out. And reduced sentences for convictions. Also some of the third time loser laws causing a "habitual" label being applied is erased...
  2. JohnDB

    Corruption in our legal system exposed as Fani and Wade exposed as liars

    There are several departments needing an overhaul to re-inspire trust again. DOJ is just one.... The FDA is needing a massive cleanup too. Between the baby formula fiasco and now the mess with research grants and drug approval process....I'm wondering what sort of mess the USDA is in as...
  3. JohnDB

    Corruption in our legal system exposed as Fani and Wade exposed as liars

    Yeah....those text messages are something else. The whole delay now is for the judge to decide what to do with the whole mess...meaning that the Governor needs to step in as well as the legislature. Because if people have no faith in the justice system...we are toast as a nation.
  4. JohnDB

    Corruption in our legal system exposed as Fani and Wade exposed as liars

    Fani is an expendable pawn. They knew she was likely lying the whole time. But did not care. She has self destructed her career. So has her boyfriend. Her court case against Trump will eventually be tossed out. Just a matter of time. But the headlines in the meantime were all they...
  5. JohnDB

    Plight of the palestinians

    I'm gonna put you on complete ignore.... You are incapable of the truth. You've never addressed the rape, murder, desecration corpses of the innocent. The best you have done is post pro Palestinian propaganda news rag to say Christians are still in Palestinian lands (which Palestinians are...
  6. JohnDB

    Plight of the palestinians

    They left...too unsafe. I have missionary friends around the globe...the missionaries in Palestine left long ago. There were a few left before this latest conflict...but they left and had to abandon their churches (which were shells of what they used to be) Christians communities have left...
  7. JohnDB

    Plight of the palestinians

    There are NO Christians in Palestinisn areas anymore....the militant Muslims ran them out.
  8. JohnDB

    Plight of the palestinians

    See... The problem with the truth is that it's limited. It has nuances and particulars. Lies have no limits whatsoever...lies don't even stop at the sky. But I've asked pointed questions that have VERY revealing answers. But only when answered truthfully. And it's obvious what...
  9. JohnDB

    Plight of the palestinians

    Ummmm You do realize that Wikipedia and just about everyone completely disagrees with you. Just saying
  10. JohnDB

    Plight of the palestinians

    Yes.... My tax dollars paid for an international airport as part of a peace deal between Israel and Yasser Arafat. It was completed and functional. Why don't you look at what happened to it? Then there were the luxury hotels built by American investors..... The deep water ports capable of...
  11. JohnDB

    Plight of the palestinians

    So more dodging and not answering direct questions. Meaning that you are lying. By your dodging I've exposed you completely and made all your claims to be false. Too bad for you.
  12. JohnDB

    Plight of the palestinians

    I know the truth to be something vastly different and seen the signed documents myself....the Palestinian's claims are extremely pathetic. They are squatters to say the most kind thing possible about these terrorists. But since you refuse to answer anything going back over the past two...
  13. JohnDB

    Plight of the palestinians

    Oh actually I once knew the name before it became known as "palestine". Don't think that I did not notice you dodged a question.... What that means is you are here to propagandize and not discuss anything. Let's see you dodge this question: Roughly how many times have the Jews purchased...
  14. JohnDB

    Foolish NATO generals want war, not peace

    Russia is not an evil empire even if Ronald Reagan claimed it to be true. However, Russia is not a world empire. Not since the USSR collapsed and fell apart. It went through three different currencies before its current currency was stable enough to hold value. It's currently back to being...
  15. JohnDB

    Plight of the palestinians

    I was not alive in Father was. And I have always had plenty of people who were eyewitnesses to what happened to know that you are simply a liar or useful idiot....I'll let you choose. At either rate.... You have proven beyond all shadow of doubt that you are incapable of telling...
  16. JohnDB

    Plight of the palestinians

    This part is simply propaganda and completely untrue. In case you get some sort of erroneous idea.... I was alive for much of this. I seen firsthand what happened...I didn't read it somewhere. Didn't have someone to tell it to me....I am a witness. Spitting on me and then try to tell me...
  17. JohnDB

    Plight of the palestinians

    Nope... "Palestinians" are deserved refugees from most of the Middle East. They have been kicked out of every country for trying to overthrow every country's government. The last government they tried to overthrow was Jordan (who had recently lost the West Bank to Israel in a war they...
  18. JohnDB

    Foolish NATO generals want war, not peace

    I'm thinking that it's the ones in Iran and Albania...
  19. JohnDB

    Foolish NATO generals want war, not peace

    WOW....another one! Ever been to a Russian "Orthodox Christian" church? Heard or read any translated service? Back centuries ago most of the Slavic, Romanian, and Russian regions kicked out the Church...when the Catholic Church ruled the world. And they had good reasons too at the time...
  20. JohnDB


    Actually it was the judge who gave her that much money. McDonald's restaurant chain has a huge handbook that details literally everything. Every bit of food or drink is highly detailed in production, ordering, maintainance of equiptment, in-house supplies, and service to the...