Search results

  1. JohnDB

    Do you look upon your death as the end?

    Two things (not to elicit disagreement or even suggest that you are wrong) but what you said reminded me of a couple of scriptures. One was Job. At the end of the story he claimed to have seen God and changed his mind about his own righteousness. That line about despising himself in dust...
  2. JohnDB

    Do you look upon your death as the end?

    You say the term "saved" as if it's past tense. That's because we believe God and Jesus will keep His Promises. And He has and will continue to do so. And also we, as humans, have issues understanding eternal life as life without time controlling and limiting us in an overwhelming fashion...
  3. JohnDB

    Do you look upon your death as the end? neither. Once I got a scare from a doctor who called. I recently had a procedure done to check for cancer. I seen her after it and she said everything looked fine. But then she called and left a message on my phone to call her. I didn't want to be sick and go through chemo...
  4. JohnDB

    Is Believing/Behaving Correctly a Work/Debt

    Have you ever expressed gratitude beyond a full second of time lip service reply? Maybe.....
  5. JohnDB

    Do you look upon your death as the end?

    To live is Christ, to die is gain. There are plenty of things to ponder. Everyone leaves a legacy of some sort when they die. That legacy can be positive, negative, or some of each. Unfortunately I have sinned. The legacy of sin is death and possibly the death of others who embrace...
  6. JohnDB

    Can I Be a Christian if I Occasionally Smoke Cigarettes

    Where is the commandment concerning tobacco use? (I looked, there isn't one) However.... Considering fully the New Testament commands about having faith in Jesus and loving each does smoking prohibit or interfere with those things? Asking because you said it was a sin.
  7. JohnDB

    Pagan roots of Pizza

    I wonder if that "scientist" knew the difference between pita bread and pizza. Or even what a guy's crude pita baker would look like.
  8. JohnDB

    Honouring thy parents

    Living a life of Kindness and love past the point of self sacrifice are primary with the Law of God... So saying you can't be kind to your parents because you promised to give the church some money is a contradiction of the law violating all that it stands for. Sure, the church needs money...
  9. JohnDB

    Unable to reconcile the ending of Luke with John

    40 days and 40 nights is a Hebrew expression for divine anger. Like during Noah's ark rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Elijah ran off for 40 days and 40 nights after the angel gave him a message. And Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights. It's not always...
  10. JohnDB

    Easter 2024

  11. JohnDB

    The Generation X Thread

  12. JohnDB

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Easter is coming....
  13. JohnDB

    Easter 2024

    Gotta get a new Bible for Easter Sunday morning....
  14. JohnDB

    Should artificial intelligence be allowed to evolve

    Because sailors and pilots need to come home for R&R and be stateside long enough to return to normal. The boat also regularly needs dry dock and re-supply time for repairs, upgrades and things only available in the USA. One in dry dock, two on furlough, and two active duty. The reason...
  15. JohnDB

    Should artificial intelligence be allowed to evolve

    Ok... But it can't tell the difference between what is true or not true. It can't do novel research to determine can't and will never be able to. AI only does what you tell it to within the parameters given. Where it might seem's just aggregating data. It...
  16. JohnDB

    Should artificial intelligence be allowed to evolve

    AI has a massive flaw. One that can't be fixed....only circumvented. AI cannot tell the difference between good data and flawed data. You can make AI believe anything. It's just a search engine with an upgraded human interface. And "open source" AI is about to face some legal...
  17. JohnDB

    2 Years Are Left, and the Two Witnesses Are About to Emerge to the World Anytime Now

    You shouldn't.... I don't really teach theology. I teach hermeneutics. How to actually interpret the scriptures using the sciences and arts instead of the flat reading that is so prolific on the board. How much science and how much art is up to the reader.
  18. JohnDB

    What are your relationship dealbreakers?

    When she asks me to meet her probation officer because, and I'm quoting here, "He really just has it in for me and I need you to vouch for me so that I can prove him wrong by having a guy say that I didn't rob him or cheat him or do something horrible to his family and friends" That's a deal...
  19. JohnDB

    2 Years Are Left, and the Two Witnesses Are About to Emerge to the World Anytime Now

    Oh.... Do not mischarachterize what I said. I don't doubt God in the slightest bit. Not even a micron's worth of doubt whatsoever. But everyone else's discernment of the eschatology scriptures? Not even going to trust them if they say that the sky is blue outside when they begin talking...