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  1. Aidan1

    To all of you non flat earthers.

    Thank you, I did. Well, I suppose they convinced me not.
  2. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Yes, I agree with you. Btw i have Dr. Walvoords Comentarys for the OT and NT
  3. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Well, God revealed Moses not as Jesus Christ, who was born from Mary. Yes Mose met Jesus together with Elia and Peter, John and Jakob on the Mount. But not in the time when he lived on earth.
  4. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    We talk about Martin Luther
  5. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Well, this was not my point. The point is that the OT believers had not the Holy Spirit given like we have today since the day of Pentecost.
  6. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    I would say, his body is to dust ( after 500 years) not in the grave. You say the early Christians never heared from Jesus? You have been there? To me it sounds that you are spreading false teachings.
  7. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Well, this is correct. Thank you for correction.
  8. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Come on you are not realy believe that Serapis has anything to do with our Lord Jesus.
  9. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Yes, we got a free gift, but this means not that the conditions from the OT and NT believer are the same. Would you ask Abraham ore Moses to put there faith in Jesus Christ, they must say : we dont know him. Of course at the end the OT believer is in eternity like the NT believer. But to say...
  10. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Angela, is husband standing for a he ore a she?
  11. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    The day of Pentecost is not the day of Explosion, its the day of birth of the church. The people of the OT are saved not because they believed in Jesus, because they did not know Him. They trustet God. So there you cant find a Christian in the OT. So it is wrong to say that the OT believers had...
  12. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Well, with free church (Freikirche) are called all denominations out of RCC and Protestant church. Normally the believer in this Freechurches are bornagain, they teach it. So this is a very sad and shocking statement. When even those who you count to be believer do not believe that Jesus in risen.
  13. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    He isnt in, but if then he would :-)
  14. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    You forgot the german bibles :-)
  15. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Maby you listening to the wrong people, instead of reading the word of God.
  16. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    I must not try again. You Was talking from 1. Cor.12, 28 :-) But doesnt matter, you cant proof me with any verse that it is biblical that woman become pastor/leader/eldest of a church. The reason for that lays in genesis 3 and not in the lack of gifts/knowledge/wisdom.
  17. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Someone can have this gift, without beeing Pastor/eldest/leader of a church. And this both gifts are not enough for to be a Pastor
  18. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    What you understand under pastoral gift?
  19. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Sorry brother, neither 1.Cor. 12,8 nor 1. Cor.12,28 is talking about woman can be Pastor/leader/eldest of the church. You have to put your meaning into the text. But you cant get it out of the text.
  20. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Pentecost was the beginning of the worlwide church. Body of Christ. This was not before Pentecost. So in this sense Abraham is not a member of the NT church. And the theme of this thread is not faith.