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  1. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Well if you have only man and woman. And you point that f.e. man should be the head of the family, then it is clear that woman should not. If you read about eldest in 1. Tim 3, then you will find that the Adressat are man and not woman. Why, when Paul will express that man and woman can be...
  2. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    The articles are made from man which putting their understanding and view into the text right? Word of God is clear! You cant show me in the bible a vers which allowes woman to be a pastor of a church. I believe that God reveals his will openly in his word, so that it is easy to understand with...
  3. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Deborah never visited a NT church :-)
  4. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Man wisedom instead of Gods word.
  5. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    This has nothing to do with the role of the woman in the church, ore says thst the woman should be Pastor in a church.
  6. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    You found one! I found in 1. Tim. 3 14 qualifications: Blameless, husband of one wife, vigilant, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach, not given to Wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre, but patient, not a brawler, not covetous, one that ruleth well his own house...
  7. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Well Dino, I am a little bit longer on CC then you, if you find it important to mentioned it for to explain why you know the word of God better, then someone New. There are many threats about this issue on CC and till now there is no one who could sattisfy/convince the "one" from the other side...
  8. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Again, ignoring the word of God has nothig to do with wisdom.
  9. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    To ignore word of God has nothing to to with wisdom.
  10. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Your welcome. We will stay in our different meanings. Btw. Nowhere the scripture says that Lydia was Pastor in her house ore even she was leader of a church, only because she opend her house for belivers and Meetings.
  11. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Sorry, my correctur program Was making somerhing wrong. I meant: which allowes a woman to teach over man. ( to have authority over man)
  12. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    So if a couple is coming as pastor into the church for to serve there, as it happend in a Baptist church near my place. Then the Man is allwed to be Pastor, but the woman (wife) not. According your Argumentation. So an unmarried woman then is allowed to teach? In the time of Paul, if I am...
  13. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Thats why, someone has a wrong understanding from the scripure. And the devil is uesing this. Disharmony in the church is his goal, not believing God is his Goal. Distrust in God is his goal. .......
  14. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Thats right, and i did not wantet to excuse the one with the other. I know you are a woman, I was on your Profile:-). But to have this understanding is becoming minority, even in the church. And sometimes you ask yourself where is the different between church and World. Yesterday i read a a...
  15. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    This is not my point. But many people I know, taking this reason to fight against Gods word. Regarding the role of Man and woman which is given from God.
  16. Aidan1

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    You are correct, and I support your view. The thing is that the timespirit teaches opposit. And the most denominations/churches today left the truth. Man and woman are in there worth equal in front of our heavenly father. But there responsibilities are different given to both of us from Him...
  17. Aidan1

    He is risen

    The Lord is risen! He is truly risen from the death! HALLELUJAH!
  18. Aidan1

    Visualization in Prayer

    Thanks for explaning Blik, you are right, the words meditate, visualisation ore even fundamentalist are possesed in a bad way. This why it is important to explaine what we mean, when we use this words. For me personal, i avoid to use them, because there are other words to describe what I mean...
  19. Aidan1

    Visualization in Prayer

    Well, I dont want missunderstand @Blik. The question is, which Definition of visualisation he/she ( i did not check the Profil) meant. The term Visualisation I only know in the context of New Age ore in the psychological useing.
  20. Aidan1

    Visualization in Prayer

    Thats right. Makeing a mental Image from something what is not an Image before. F.e a written Text. In psychology it has a far more meaning that something will come Real through visualisation with your mental Power. Useing this Kind of visualisation has nothing to do with a prayer to our...