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  1. JohnDB

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    But but but.... This doesn't get my Muse to sit back on her chair.... She must be mad at me for something ....just like a woman...gets mad and storms off and doesn't tell us men what we can do to fix it.
  2. JohnDB

    History of the Bible

    The largest set of "differences" is in the manuscripts of the New Testament....definite sermon notes inserted and paraphrasing of the original. By the second Century the Church leadership had noted that there sadly were differences between the various manuscripts in various places...
  3. JohnDB

    Iran attacks Israel, sends hundreds of drones, missiles

    The Islamic regime in Tehran has launched a new campaign of violence and intimidation against the Iranian women not covering all their hair in public. This video shows an IRGC thugs kicking and beating a woman in the street Via @emilykschrader
  4. JohnDB

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    Trying to decide a menu for the senior pastor when I invite him over to dinner.... I think I got it almost figured out.... Filet with thyme-tomatoe sauce, fresh angel hair pasta with Alfredo sauce? (Maybe just herbed garlic cream and butter) and some tossed broccoli, asparagus or whatever I...
  5. JohnDB

    searching ourselves through others allows humility within to create a new person

    HEY, One of the most annoying things about some believers is that they really do not want to grow. And it stems from a fear of what God will do with them or what they will have to give God. They often know the verse "a man's life does not consist of his possessions" but...they really don't...
  6. JohnDB

    Questions about Christianity

    Just as an FYI... To me, the OP doesn't seem to use English as his primary if he is using some sort of translation software to understand what is being said. And with English being so different from other languages the softwares out there have a difficult time translating...
  7. JohnDB

    Men's Christian Leadership Conference Featured Male Stripper

    It's difficult to find places to give with a clear many organizations are not exactly even remotely efficient or effective with the donations. Enzyme water purifiers are great....$20 worth of PVC and a couple of buckets of "dirt" and it's good to go for thousands of gallons...
  8. JohnDB

    Men's Christian Leadership Conference Featured Male Stripper
  9. JohnDB

    Men's Christian Leadership Conference Featured Male Stripper

    The news headlines have read like this for 2,000 years now. Televangelist are reflecting society....instead of reflecting God. Billy Graham was the first Televangelist....others seeing the power he gained with his specials glommed on to the phenomenon. Thinking about the money and power...
  10. JohnDB

    History of the Bible

    According to your post then you are on the wrong site....this site is for Christians not for Mormons or JWs or some other religion. We believe Jesus is God and God is Jesus....part of the Trinity. Not a pantheon or a council or some other form of modalism...but God himself for all eternity...
  11. JohnDB

    History of the Bible

    So... Did Jesus die by crucifixion and raise himself on the third day? Is Jesus God? Important questions here that only come from the book you are claiming is flawed....figure it out. You either believe or you don't believe. What say you?
  12. JohnDB

    Iran attacks Israel, sends hundreds of drones, missiles

    When they are the aggressor....nope!
  13. JohnDB

    Iran attacks Israel, sends hundreds of drones, missiles

    I say so....because you seem loyal to the government instead of the people of Iran. I prefer the people.
  14. JohnDB

    History of the Bible

    The "significant" differences are overhyped and insignificant in truth. "There are NO theological differences between the sets of manuscripts...only...
  15. JohnDB

    Iran attacks Israel, sends hundreds of drones, missiles

    Of course... And you do not have a full historical perspective of this conflict. Iran is alone for a reason in this....because they are in the wrong and not due to any political wrangling they have tried to do.
  16. JohnDB

    History of the Bible

    Interpretations vary wildly....that's the reason why the denominations. Man is sinful and error prone. That's why...the truth hasn't changed. It's been the same.
  17. JohnDB

    History of the Bible

    Old copies and manuscript fragments have been dated to 100BC and do not have any significant differences between the Bible we have today versus then.
  18. JohnDB

    Iran attacks Israel, sends hundreds of drones, missiles

    And if that defense is not because of truth but instead is from lies.... Then that negates the truth of Iran being the aggressor and the retaliation they claim they had by attacking is not truth but instead is yet another aggressive maneuver to license unwarranted attacks on Israel. So if...
  19. JohnDB

    Iran attacks Israel, sends hundreds of drones, missiles

    The entire Arab world is turning their back on Iran at the moment..... Think there's a reason for that? Iran's leadership is in a frenzy.... There's a viral video in Iran with the people at the moment. Where midgets are throwing spears at Israel.....but it's actually toothpicks and Israel...