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  1. JohnDB

    To live is Christ To Die is Gain

    But also in the passage this comes from.... Paul talks about how they need him to remain so he can continue to teach them. Not much different than we needed Jesus whether we realized it or not. Think this element is also true?
  2. JohnDB

    To live is Christ To Die is Gain be like Christ also would mean to be needed to further the Gospel message to various groups who have accepted your messenger status?
  3. JohnDB

    And here I thought, COVID aint a thing anymore

    Look, Covid-19 is here to stay. Just like Influenza and Bird Flu. Influenza has an extremely short incubation period of 24hrs...but it's still around. (Incubation period greatly affects its infection rate) Covid-19 has the longest incubation period to date of airborne viruses and is...
  4. JohnDB

    To live is Christ To Die is Gain

    What do you think Paul was saying and intended? What does this look like today? How should this opinion be expressed in our lives? What does a person who believes this behave or do?
  5. JohnDB

    Looking for some Christian people my age to befriend (15)

    Well leaves this grumpy old curmudgeon out. But.... I bake cookies and gingerbread houses.
  6. JohnDB

    What do we mean by “Calling?”

    You mean Chosen.... Almost Everyone in the whole world at this point is called....FEW are Chosen to lead or perform specific tasks. By and large very few make themselves available to be Chosen. Fewer still are capable of doing much. But....every once in a while lightning strikes and we...
  7. JohnDB

    What do we mean by “Calling?”

    This is referred to by Jesus as being "Chosen " in many are called but few are Chosen. Jesus always had more than 12 disciples....although we often refer to the 12 often. The 12 were the core "Apostles" but there often were many more....even after Jesus's crucifixion there were 200+...
  8. JohnDB

    Iran attacks Israel, sends hundreds of drones, missiles

    Israel has retaliated against Iran.... Huge attack....
  9. JohnDB

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    Today I got really bad news. Orchard fruit flavored skittles have been discontinued. I'm really sad about that.
  10. JohnDB

    Men's Christian Leadership Conference Featured Male Stripper

    I was thinking of a inner tube for the drinks cooler....just in case someone wanted a beer or soda.
  11. JohnDB

    Strictly Miscellaneous
  12. JohnDB

    Iran attacks Israel, sends hundreds of drones, missiles

    Iraq is looking for protection from is jordan. Egypt doesn't want Hamas or Hezbolla in their country....Syria and Lebanon are ready to go on a rampage against them theirselves. Lybia? They are so worn out on the Houthi rebels that they hope Israel attacks them. Just about every...
  13. JohnDB

    Men's Christian Leadership Conference Featured Male Stripper

    The Newsweek article said one pastor poorly vetted the guy swallowing a sword...he really didn't know what his act was. (Bad karma from the git go) Then the pastor kicking off the other was recently a pastor from Mars Hill church which was a total fiasco....and he has no room or standing to...
  14. JohnDB

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    Hand stitched using a saddle stitch...even the gold embossing of SIL's name was done with metal letters, a clothes iron and meticulously setting up the embossing and "tape" one letter at a time to get the spacing right. (Hard to un-emboss if you get it wrong) There's a LOT you can do by hand...
  15. JohnDB

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    Around here it's a minimum of a 90-120 minute drive to anywhere to get to a nice restaurant.... Doesn't mean that people don't know or don't like meals like that....but the talent pool for such things is low. There aren't many restaurants to start with that aren't fast food, fried chicken, or...
  16. JohnDB

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    I think that the next time I make one I'll either round off the corners a bit or get some fancy corners for the leather....
  17. JohnDB

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    Inside look before I added the paper @Godsgirl1983
  18. JohnDB

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    This one was for my SIL and my wife's was very similar except with a "J" instead of a "B". I lined them with some nice cloth and included an interior pocket. Both women absolutely love their A5 journals. My wife refuses to bring hers to church because she doesn't want them other women to...
  19. JohnDB

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    That's a lot more difficult than you are suggesting. See, A woman starts her whining and carrying on about stuff at work....and I listen carefully but say nothing (because the last time she did that she got mad when I said something) and she gets mad again this time because this time I...
  20. JohnDB

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    Nope...I've been trying to figure it out my whole life...but I know a whole bunch of ways to make them mean.