yesterday, hillary clinton called for a " formal deprograming " of trump supporters.
so, this is after the naming of maga supporters as " domestic terrorists"
so, maybe instead of you laughing at us INFO warriors for suggesting that concentration camps are in the future.
because they are...
so, i am not o s a s.
we are saved by faith and trust in Christ. nothing else.
but, if one chooses to believe, then one can one day reverse that choice.
the world economic forum admitted a few days ago that " the plan to vaccinate the world has failed, and climate change is too abstract to make a big difference so we will create a a water crisis"
so, they admit they are failing.
it seems as if you have set your mind that Jesus was not God in the flesh.
so, if that is the case, what is the point of talking with others about a choice you have made and set in stone??