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  1. G

    The US will send a carrier strike group to the Eastern Mediterranean in support of Israel

    would you not say that having most of the muslim world against them is already the case??
  2. G

    The US will send a carrier strike group to the Eastern Mediterranean in support of Israel

    but, they have lots of weapons, including nukes.
  3. G

    Last person to post wins!!!

    was going to get a short lived win, but i will defer my post to this one, this post is so, so much better.
  4. G

    Will Trump be able to comply with the conditions of his release on bail?

    maybe because their was no insurrection....
  5. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    and it is heading there fast, a 5lb bag of potatoes , which you could find in my area for 2 or 3 dollars about a year and a half ago, is now $4.50.... that to me is microcosm of how things are..
  6. G

    Israel Declares War

    it is a sad cycle. the palestinians do commit crimes against Israel, the i d f goes on and cracks skulls, and that has been repeating itself over and over and over..
  7. G

    The Slow Motion Destruction of Donald Trump Has Begun

    or, it could be he did not commit a crime. the same government that charged trump with this also gave people time in federal prison for walking into the capital on jan. 6, after being waved in by cops, took a few selfies, stayed in designated areas, walked back out.
  8. G

    Israel Declares War

    good question.
  9. G

    Israel Declares War

    hard to figure out what is real and what is fake nowadays. best thing to do is take everything with a grain of salt, and pray for peace. as Christians, we follow the Prince of Peace...
  10. G

    The Covid CANCER Shot!

    finally, a " official" make a good statement. and a true one.
  11. G


    yep, that is the goal. most every financial market in the world was up today, proving once again the powers-that-be love war.
  12. G

    The Slow Motion Destruction of Donald Trump Has Begun

    he will never see 1 hour behind bars. and i am not a trump guy, i just know a fake out when i see one.
  13. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    most of the world's stock markets were up today, proving yet again that the powers-that -be love war.....
  14. G

    Israel Declares War

    yep. they can't defend our border, but they MUST help ukraine's border, and now Israel's border...... :rolleyes::rolleyes:
  15. G

    Andy Stanley's Apostasy

    i thought this was about andy stanley. but, it has turned into YET another o s a s spat...
  16. G

    Israel and Saudi Arabia

    the u a e said today that they support Israel. so, there is that..
  17. G

    Christ is God

    when i first joined this site, many years ago, i had never talked to anyone who did not think that Christ was God. it took me a while to figure that out, very odd how some could come to that place of belief..
  18. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    bad, bad day for the biden regime today. Israel attacked right after giving iran the big $$. bad look.
  19. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    it does appear that the media sees that trump is rolling along, nothing they say can stop maga, so they have shifted their aim at trump supporters....
  20. G

    The Covid CANCER Shot!

    saw that. rodgers is a bit out there, but is not afraid to speak his mind...