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  1. Ahwatukee

    Favourite Bible Translations

    I consult the Interlinear and the Berean Literal Bible. However, I also look at any given verse in the other translations, listing them in parallel so that I can see how each one translates the verse at the same time. Example: New International Version The revelation from Jesus Christ, which...
  2. Ahwatukee

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    Hello Absolutely! The reference to the KJV 'slept' as in "the first-fruits of them that slept," is not inferring that they are no longer sleeping. That is the king James interpretation. However, the interlinear has it "But now Christ has been raised out from the dead, the firstfruit of those...
  3. Ahwatukee


    Well first of all, I have made it clear that the RFID chip is going to evolve into something smaller and more applicable. What is going to remain consistent, is that whatever it evolves into, will be in the hand or the forehead. A Quantum Dot does not remain in the hand or the forehead. So, we...
  4. Ahwatukee


    The quantum dot tattoo, is more for medical history, which I believe is infringement of our privacy. I believe that the RFID technology which is now going under the skin between the thumb and index finger, is the mark of the beast technology, because it is being used to for electronic crediting...
  5. Ahwatukee

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    My point being is that, since those at His coming are next, then there was no one resurrected immortal and glorified in between. Jesus was the first fruits and those who are next will be those at His coming. The patriarch's and OT saints will all be resurrected sometime towards the end of the...
  6. Ahwatukee

    The Book Of Revelation ..

    Yeah, keep reading Revelation over and over and over and over and over .......... Read also Daniel which is what I call a sister book to Revelation. Matthew 24 is a very summarized version of Revelation. The purpose of the book of Revelation can be found right in the first verse: "The...
  7. Ahwatukee

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    Lafftur, Jesus was quoting the event of the 6th seal, which hasn't taken place yet: Compare the two: Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us. "Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both...
  8. Ahwatukee

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    Agreed. However, that does not mean that those that slept have risen. "But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him." "Then, when He comes, those who belong to him." He hasn't come yet and those who belong to him, would be those who have died from...
  9. Ahwatukee

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    Yes, it does say that it is consecutive. I provided the scripture for you in the last post. Here it is again. "He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that...
  10. Ahwatukee

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    It's ok. This is nothing to be divided over. Based on what I know of the different phases of the first resurrection, no one but Christ has yet been raised immortal and glorified and the church is next. I believe that those of the church who have died will be next to resurrect, with the living...
  11. Ahwatukee

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    Paul said the above because they were saying there is no resurrection, not meaning that that had already been resurrected. But that there will be a resurrection. If you or anyone wants to believe that Moses or any of the other OT saints have already been raised in their immortal and glorified...
  12. Ahwatukee

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    James said "For David is not ascended into the heavens" in response the following: "because You will not abandon my soul to Hades, nor will You let Your Holy One see decay. meaning that he hasn't resurrected in his immortal and glorified body. However, his spirit is there waiting on the...
  13. Ahwatukee

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    See, you rejected this and yet the scripture is right there in front of you to read. It is therefore not me that you are rejecting, but the scripture. Can you read and discern? Christ first, then at His coming, those who belong to him. That would not include Moses. The OT saints of Israel are...
  14. Ahwatukee

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    Neither Elijah nor Moses was said to have been transformed immortal and glorified. God can have them appear in different forms you know.
  15. Ahwatukee

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    None of them are assumptions. Did you not read the scriptures that I provided regarding this? It would be an assumption for you to say that Moses or any of the other OT saints had already resurrected immortal and glorified. Please show me the scriptures that support your claim.
  16. Ahwatukee

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    You can reject it if you like, but it is the truth. Moses, like the rest of the OT saints, has yet to be resurrected in his immortal and glorified body. Jesus did the same thing when he and the two angels appeared to Abraham as they were on their way to Sodom. Jesus has not yet come in the...
  17. Ahwatukee

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    No. There is no longer anyone in the place where Abraham and Lazarus were. For the scripture states that now, to be present in the body is to be absent from the Lord. And to be absent from the body is to be in the presence of the Lord. And just fyi, Abraham's Bosom is not the proper name for...
  18. Ahwatukee

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    Yes, as I stated in the previous post, Moses did appear on the mount of transfiguration. However, the only person who has been resurrected immortal and glorified so far is Jesus. The church resurrecting immortal and glorified, is next. Moses appeared in some other form other than in his immortal...
  19. Ahwatukee

    Why it will be a pre-trib rapture and why the rapture takes place.

    Hello Lafftur! First of all, it is not my intention to rip what you said to shreds, but to make the truth known to you based on scripture. In order to come to a conclusion on any given Biblical subject, we must address all of the related scriptures. That said, let's look at the scripture which...