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  1. Ahwatukee

    TONGUES false teaching.

    I would also add what Paul said regarding the gifts of the Spirit: "Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in languages? Do all interpret? " Each of those infers a NO answer. Therefore, not everyone has the gift of...
  2. Ahwatukee


    Hello TMS! Yes, you are correct in that God is able to protect His people during the time of His wrath. However, considering the severity and magnitude of God's wrath, He would literally have to put force fields around every believer. I would suggest that you do an indepth study of the seals...
  3. Ahwatukee

    If the Rapture is true, just who are the saints beheaded by the Antichrist?

    You shouldn't be commenting on these issues, because what you are teaching is false!
  4. Ahwatukee

    If the Rapture is true, just who are the saints beheaded by the Antichrist?

    Your problem is not recognizing the difference between 'our being gathered to the Lord vs. the Day of the Lord. What Paul is saying is that the proof that the Day of the Lord having come is when the apostasy takes place and that man of lawlessness is revealed. The Thessalonians were concerned...
  5. Ahwatukee

    If the Rapture is true, just who are the saints beheaded by the Antichrist?

    You're comparing Stephen's stoning to the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments? The entire seven years is the wrath of God. If the great tribulation is not the wrath of God, then nothing is, because Jesus said that it would be the worst time in the history of the world and that if it were allowed...
  6. Ahwatukee


    Greetings Bob and Welcome!
  7. Ahwatukee

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    Much thanks to you! I always try to catch those myself. And you are correct, that could be confusing to those who are studying this.
  8. Ahwatukee

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    Yes! Good catch. It should read "the angels will be gathering living people still in their mortal bodies." It was just a typo from going back and forth between mortal and immortal. sorry about that confusion...
  9. Ahwatukee

    If the Rapture is true, just who are the saints beheaded by the Antichrist?

    So, you've put the church, which has been reconciled to God, through the entire wrath of God, right along with the wicked.
  10. Ahwatukee

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    Hello echoChrist! No problem! It is good that you are checking this information out. You're being like the bereans, who searched the scriptures daily to see if what Paul was saying was the truth. If there was a main teaching regarding the timing of when the Lord was going to gather His church...
  11. Ahwatukee


    "Because you have kept the word of My patient endurance, I also will keep you out of the hour of the trial being about to come upon the whole inhabited world, to try those dwelling upon the earth." The 'hour of trial' is another name for 'the Day of the Lord," which as the scripture states will...
  12. Ahwatukee

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    Hello again! The scripture that you posted above is regarding when the Lord returns to the earth to end the age and establish His millennial kingdom. Tares = Those wicked who make it alive through the time of God's wrath, who are gathered by the angels to be judged. These are also the "one...
  13. Ahwatukee

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    Again, those persecutions and tribulations mentioned above, were not the result of God's wrath! You need to stop confusing the two! The persecutions and tribulations that Paul is speaking of was the result of their faith in Christ, which come at the hands of men and the power darkness. Where in...
  14. Ahwatukee

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    Not a problem and I am not agitated, just trying to share with you all that I have gone over and concluded for the last 45 years. As I have continued to make known, it is important to discern that there is a difference between these two events. That said, the event of the gathering of the...
  15. Ahwatukee

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    Yes, He did. He also protected Noah and his family in the ark. Likewise, Lot was able to flee to Zoar, a small city, which for Lot's sake He did not destroy. However, because the wrath of God will come upon the whole entire world, there will be no ark to get on and no small city to flee to...
  16. Ahwatukee

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    First of all, be carful to not pigeonhole sayings or words. Many do this with the word trumpet and cloud, as well as other words. If I was on the earth during the time of God's wrath, I could follow each event like a road map. I would just observe the fulfillment of the chronological order of...
  17. Ahwatukee

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    Yes, that is correct! The church will have already been gathered. Remember, the scripture says that the proof that the Day of the Lord has come, will be the apostasy and the man of lawlessness being revealed. As I described it in another post, Paul begins with "concerning the coming of our Lord...
  18. Ahwatukee

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    We are not on the earth when the sudden destruction takes place, but will be caught up prior to when that event begins, just as Paul previously described it the previous chapter in I Thess.4:16-18. Because we are not in darkness, that day of beginning God's sudden destruction will not overtake...
  19. Ahwatukee

    The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Blessed Hope of the Saints

    The teaching of the pre-wrath rapture is that, God's wrath begins after the opening of the 6th seal, i.e. the first six seals are not apart of God's wrath, which I do not agree with. I believe that all of the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments and that because it is the Lamb/Jesus who is opening...