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  1. Dude653


    Okay but first you said they're worshiping Satan I'll ask you a second time. What's the link between particle physics and worshiping satan? And how is just trying to figure out how stuff works worshiping the creation? That same logic germ theory would be worshiping the creation Maybe should all...
  2. Dude653


    None of this is relevant because you still haven't answered my question. What's the link between particle physics and worshiping satan? If I recall correctly it was Mark Twain who said why would a God give us a brain and expect us to forgo its use If everyone had your mentality, we would still...
  3. Dude653


    Pew research indicates that Christians will be the minority in America by 2050. If you want Christianity to grow in America instead of shrink. You can start by not demonizing science
  4. Dude653


    This is another reason why Christianity is on the decline america. Equating everything scientific with Satan
  5. Dude653

    Tyre Nichols

    The individual in question, I've never seen him respond to any of my comments or questions with a reply that's relevant to the topic. Usually he just responds with some type of self-righteous passive aggressive comment That's trolling Even if we're discussing something like gun permits which has...
  6. Dude653


    You need to get over yourself. I asked a question which you are dodging. Show me in the Bible where it says we can't study particle physics
  7. Dude653


    Because I'm not interested in opinions. I want to see scriptural references that say we can't study particle physics
  8. Dude653


    How is accelerating subatomic particles going to open a pit to hell? That makes zero sense All it's really doing is creating a miniature Big bang
  9. Dude653


  10. Dude653


    I missed the part in the Bible where it says we can't study particle physics.
  11. Dude653

    Memphis police officers charged with murder

    Years ago I was in court and a cop had a guy charged with public intoxication when he was arrested inside someone's house The defense attorney ripped him a new one on the stand It's almost as if some cops don't even know the law they are paid to enforce
  12. Dude653

    Oath keepers convicted of sedition

    Yeah you can disperse the crowd using fire hoses tear gas ECT but good luck arresting thousands of people. Where are you going to put them
  13. Dude653

    Oath keepers convicted of sedition

    Usually in a riot situation the cops are outnumbered so they just call in national guard to protect buildings like the courthouse and just sit back and watch everyone destroy their own neighborhoods. Really not a whole lot they can do when they're outnumbered a hundred to one at least
  14. Dude653

    Tyre Nichols

    Being all meh about a guy who was beaten to death for reason Really feeling the Christian love
  15. Dude653

    Tyre Nichols

    Yeah. BLM is a scam but I already mentioned that on other threads
  16. Dude653

    Tyre Nichols

    Yeah maybe we don't know the whole story but at the risk of being redundant, let's just say he was resisting Five cops can't subdue one guy without beating him to death and apparently they are horrendously under trained
  17. Dude653

    Tyre Nichols

    I'm pretty sure I've said at least a few times here that I think private businesses should have the right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. But that doesn't mean the public at large isn't going to boycott them. That's because I believe the free market determines what is or isn't...
  18. Dude653


  19. Dude653

    Memphis police officers charged with murder

    Don't care if cops are gayer than Elton John as long as they're not meeting people to death for no reason
  20. Dude653


    Yeah so why is everybody flipping out like it's going to end the universe or something?