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  1. Dude653


    Meh.. still disagree. Is literally impossible to play God for the reasons I expressed above. We can't actually create anything. All we can do is work with the matter that already exists.
  2. Dude653


    Okay so let's look at it from a theistic perspective God says let there be light.... boom.. universe So what if they're just trying to see what it looks like when God flipped the switch
  3. Dude653


    Yeah that's basically what the hadron collider does. It creates a miniature Big bang because they're trying to study the events at the beginning of the universe Still not seeing the satanic part
  4. Dude653


    Well particle physics goes over my head but basically they're looking for what's called the higgs boson which is theoretically the smallest of atomic particle that set the universal motion Remember when Galileo figured out that the Earth is not the center of the universe and everyone thought he...
  5. Dude653


    For starters, it's impossible to play God because we don't have God like powers. Same reason I can't play Superman because I can't fly and I'm not invincible The best we can do is take already existing matter and break it down to its smallest parts which is subatomic particles and study how they...
  6. Dude653


  7. Dude653


    Nope still not buying it Just trying to figure out how subatomic particles work is not trying to be "like God"
  8. Dude653


    That makes about as much sense as saying that God gave birds wings but they're supposed to walk everywhere because using wings that God gave them would be playing God Remember when people used to think that Jesus were caused by demon possession until they figured out that germs are a thing? Is...
  9. Dude653


    How though? How is it playing God too study subatomic particles?
  10. Dude653


    All the hadron collider is doing is studying the behavior of subatomic particles You know like when you were a kid and you used to like to take stuff apart to see how it works Humans are naturally curious
  11. Dude653


    They sound like Bobby Boucher in here Mama said science is the devil
  12. Dude653


    Main reason I bought heads was pretty much everyone here are I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I don't believe everything scientific is satanic and I believe law should be passed on the Constitution instead of religious text
  13. Dude653

    "When humans are no longer useful you need a new religion"

    Horses or pets and recreation So I guess the robots are going to keep humans as pets and recreation? But where is the money coming from to build the robots if nobody's working?
  14. Dude653

    Tyre Nichols

    Well in my opinion Justice would be hanging them from the courthouse lawn but spending the rest of their lives in prison is the best Tennessee can do
  15. Dude653

    Tyre Nichols

    The officers are charged with aggravated kidnapping and second-degree murder. That's enough for them to spend the rest of their life in prison
  16. Dude653

    Tyre Nichols

    To my knowledge, the only crime the victim committed was a simple traffic infraction
  17. Dude653

    "When humans are no longer useful you need a new religion"

    I don't see how it's feasible to remove humans from the workforce because who's building the robots if no one has a job and no one has any money?
  18. Dude653


    And certain individuals on this forum are being condescending when I'm actually trying to have a constructive conversation. While it's true that science produced a bomb that leveled two major cities, the same science can power a nuclear submarine for 30 years So we don't just throw up our hands...
  19. Dude653


    People are saying all sorts of insane stuff like the particle accelerator is going to open a gate to hell or some and demons are such nonsense. If everyone had this mentality that everything scientific is evil and satanic, we would still be in the Dark ages
  20. Dude653

    Chicago prosecutor drops charges against R Kelly

    He had C.P. on his computer. That alone is worth an additional 10 to 20 years in addition to his 30 year sentence in New York I'm guessing there are reasoning though is that since he will be 80 years old before he's eligible for parole in New york, wouldn't be much point in adding an additional...