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  1. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    What i noticed in your country is that the gap between rep and dem is very deep and it involves also the Christians. And I asked me why?
  2. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Its a good question. So long I could think back I like America very much. And so much I tryed to see in Trump a good buddy, his behaviour with russia and north corea ore his behaviour with His selflove shows me that he is doing everything to keep his power. Everything!
  3. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    I agree. Well Trump did good decisions, without doubt, but he smashes a lot in presenting loving himself at most. In my eyes, he was a Tool which was used by God, to protect his nation Israel. I suppose we both wish for our countrys good, God loving leaders, but it will be worse in Future. ( I...
  4. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    No, the right are the racists and the Fascists. And many right wings worldwide copied the view of Hitler. And this for shure are not the left wings ( in deed they are not better). And it is a pitty that Christians jumping on this train. The last thing what you can say is that Germany is a...
  5. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Then you should research little more about this word. Fascism has to do with nationalism which is mostly expressed through the rights. While Trumps reign I noticed that he was supportet through right radicals. They you can call fascists. In germany is no fascism Party in rule. Maby you are...
  6. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    What exactly do understand under the word fascism?
  7. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    I am a german and live in germany. What is a problem with this?
  8. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Your writing is full of hate and disrespect. I thaught you are a follower of Jesus Christ.
  9. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    What you are talking about?
  10. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Well our goverment has at least a socialsystem, which is for all. Nobody has to pay for hospital ore Doctor treatment. You believe it ore not. I dont think that any nation is good in the eyes of God. And you cant blame me for the WW' as I cant blame you for that what you did with the American...
  11. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    You living then in a realy strange country with criminals in the politic. ( we have for shure too, but not so obivious worse, it seems) Your leaders have no responsibility for the people? Why you elect them? Here in germany hospitals got money from the government, bcause they had to Reserve for...
  12. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Come on, that my grammar is bad. I know! This is since I was in school. But that you cant understand it, i cant believe. But maby its so easier to you to ignore what I wrote :-). I have said everything to this matter. So you can peaceful go on with your theorys.
  13. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Thats all you have to respond? Thats sad. You take food to you? You know what is in and know what this will do in your body? You are shure that the environmental poison you take with your food everyday will not change something in your body? In case of the vaccine, you believe people they...
  14. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    You believe in the false resources. They working with fear and false information. Nobody knows what will be in some years in our body through the vaccine. How then so called doctors can claime that people will die, ore the vaccine destroy the immune system ore sterillizes. Thats the lies who...
  15. Aidan1

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    It can be, but must not be. But a fact is that through the Pandemie the internet/Digital infrastructure is engreasing.
  16. Aidan1

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    Says what? Does he dies because of the vac? If you will count it in this way, all people who got the vac will die and all who decide to got it not, will die. ( If the Lord is not taking his church before. )
  17. Aidan1

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    Well, then follow your conspiration theory. If it becomes true, will be revealed in Future. For me unknowing person, who is not able to proof all this theorys and claimings, is the obvious reality more important. Two days ago I got news from an indian friend who leads a Mission in Odisha and...
  18. Aidan1

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    1st, that the virus is not an danger/ ore not real/, but made for to supress the people. 2nd that the vaccine brings material in our body with the goal to controle us/ ore to kill us/ ore implant the 666. The OP theme is simply an claime without proof. This has nothing to what the bible says...
  19. Aidan1

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    The Antichrist will come as the bible has said. And he got from God a limited time to do his thing on earth. God wrath in this 7 years will bring more deaths and sufferings, then anything else before (Revealation ch9 and 16 f.e) You should warn the people before this coming wrath, then to...