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  1. Dude653


    They actually found the subatomic particle that Peter Higgs theorized in the 50s. We can have spiritual debates until doomsday but that's still a pretty impressive feat of engineering
  2. Dude653


    Yeah the portal to hell thing is the biggest stretch ever probably How would they even know how to find hell in the first place? Who do they think is working at CERN Rick Sanchez?
  3. Dude653


    Meh. So the world is going to end because someone did A dance? Did a Google search just out of curiosity and apparently the Shiva statue was donated from India Apparently was intended as a metaphor for the dance of subatomic particles
  4. Dude653


    No I have not seen the collider myself but Lisa rudimentary understanding of what it does It's an electromagnetic tube that speeds up subatomic particles to light speed and then collides them Since Atoms are mostly empty space, it would seem intuitive that nothing would have mass In the 1950s...
  5. Dude653

    In your opinion

    First two that come to mind would be internet and cell phone. Now you basically have the entirety of human recorded information in your pocket
  6. Dude653


    So far the only "evidence" I've seen here that iCERN is "satanic"is some wackadoodle video from some guy saying it's going to open a portal to hell, and people saying "because I said it is"
  7. Dude653


    Except for the part where it wasn't
  8. Dude653


    Science is not satanic Stop the nonsense
  9. Dude653


    I have read the Bible cover to cover and there's nothing in there that says you can't do particle physics We can debate this until doomsday and we're not going to agree. Science if something I am passionate about and stifling scientific discovery in the name of superstition is morally wrong The...
  10. Dude653

    666 Mark of the Beast Tech is Ready to be Rolled Out

    Just saying. If you are running a business do you want to hire someone whose parents taught him that two plus two equals potato? This is why allowing homeschooling with no credentials is a bad idea
  11. Dude653


    I already said it but I'll say it again. Particle accelerators have been around since the '50s and they haven't destroyed the universe yet For the money,, how much income is one morally obligated to spend on charity etc... By your logic, if I go to Starbucks and buy a $5 copy that I really...
  12. Dude653

    666 Mark of the Beast Tech is Ready to be Rolled Out

    Homeschooling kids with no actual credentials? This is how you end up with a generation dumb as a bag of hammers entering the workforce
  13. Dude653


    I used to love the Jack Reacher novels but they started getting boring But there's definitely a satisfaction in seeing the bad guy get the beat down he deserves Action movies would be pretty lame if the hero just sat down and had a polite conversation with the bad guy
  14. Dude653

    666 Mark of the Beast Tech is Ready to be Rolled Out

    You sound like a freeloader who doesn't want to pay taxes
  15. Dude653

    666 Mark of the Beast Tech is Ready to be Rolled Out

    Some people have argued for getting rid of public schools but I think that would be a bad idea because what would end up happening is only people who could afford private schools would get an education Not everyone has the credentials to homeschool
  16. Dude653


    Anyway. My point is 4.75 billion is Pocket change especially when there were several countries splitting the bill You are also doing the red herring thing by bringing up vaccines on a thread that's not about vaccines Anyway.. if I want to know about particle physics I will consult an actual...
  17. Dude653

    America is already China's captive!

    We made our own proverbial bed. Maybe America shouldn't have made itself so dependent on Chinese products I didn't vote for Donald Trump but he was talking about this 30 years ago
  18. Dude653


    Okay but we're not talking about vaccines here. We're talking about particle physics And you were complaining about the 4.7 billion price tag of the hadron collider and I pointed out that 4.75 billion is pocket change compared to other unnecessary government spending The Catholic church just in...
  19. Dude653

    America is already China's captive!

    Sanctioning China would cripple our economy because America buys pretty much everything from China
  20. Dude653

    Does Real Prophet Charger Money For A Prophecy Word On Fiverr etc? (I paid $40 for a prophecy)

    At this church I used to attend, there was this "prophet" from California who would attend our church maybe two or three times a year A lot of people thought he was the best thing since sliced bread but I knew right away he was a charlatan Mainly what he would do is throw out what's called...