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  1. Dude653

    It's Go Time, Trump Announces Run!

    Remember that time he tear gassed a church?
  2. Dude653

    Bill Gates & Co Pfizer on quest to vaccinate the world

    Point being since the majority of the world's population is at least one dose then you would expect to see a lot more casualties if the vaccine is as deadly as people are claiming
  3. Dude653

    Christians @ the Grammys????

    I don't give a poo about the Grammys
  4. Dude653

    Bill Gates & Co Pfizer on quest to vaccinate the world

    The majority of the world's population has had at least one dose of the vaccine by now so I'm not sure what you're freaking out about
  5. Dude653


    Well I've already addressed this but how does accelerating subatomic particles in an electromagnetic tube open a portal to hell? It makes zero sense Also how would they just happen to know how to find hell? Have you been watching too much Rick and morty.
  6. Dude653

    Bill Gates & Co Pfizer on quest to vaccinate the world

    That was another case of Google voice to type miss hearing what I said and I didn't get a chance to edit it.
  7. Dude653


    Yeah again. Just because I enjoy learning about particle physics doesn't mean I'm worshiping Satan You don't see me being a gluteus maximus and coming against you for something you enjoy
  8. Dude653


    Nah.... Just stretching exercises
  9. Dude653

    Bill Gates & Co Pfizer on quest to vaccinate the world

    What I mean by relative is that memorial standpoint, opium farming versus chopping people's heads off., Raping women etc. So the US troops guarded their opium fields in a trade off for information on Taliban Seems like a fair trade to me
  10. Dude653


    Also just because I enjoy learning about particle physics doesn't mean I "worship the god of destruction" You should consider a career as a yoga instructor cuz you're really good at stretching
  11. Dude653


    It's called a metaphor. Meaning stop being an edge Lord for no reason
  12. Dude653


    Imagine having the audacity to quote scriptures at me and then break the 8th commandment. I threatened no one
  13. Dude653


    Troll harder
  14. Dude653

    Did man land on the moon?

    There's a panel of mirrors on the moon that has been there since the '60s. If you have a strong enough laser, you can see the reflection from it
  15. Dude653


    Don't cut yourself on all that edge
  16. Dude653

    666 Mark of the Beast Tech is Ready to be Rolled Out

    The Bible says the mark of the beast is going to be a visible mark. Vaccines don't leave a mark
  17. Dude653

    Bill Gates & Co Pfizer on quest to vaccinate the world

    Remember when US troops used to guard RPM fields in Afghanistan and exchange for them giving us Intel on Taliban? It's all relative I guess
  18. Dude653

    China balloon

    The balloon had equipment attached to it the size of a school bus so probably they were waiting for it to be over a safe spot to shoot it down You know... The whole not killing people with falling debris thing Also China already has a "spy balloon" it's called TikTok
  19. Dude653


    You are missing the point, you will be able to stick to your guns until doomsday, then you will be put to a total shame and have to stand before the Lord. It is far better to humble yourself prior to judgement day. Nerdy science stuff like particle physics fascinates me. That's just part of...