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    Justice (Ruth B. Ginsburg) Replacement Nominee Expected Next Week, Mitch Mcconnell Promises Senate Vote

    Law 360 Will The Senate Replace Ginsburg Before Election Day? By Andrew Kragie (September 20, 2020, Senators return Monday to a chamber consumed with President Donald Trump's vow to quickly select a replacement for the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and cement a...
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    Virginians to Face Mandatory COVID Vaccination. Will They Resist? Who's Next?

    The whole start of this Corona thing I believe was nefarious in intent. Control. Stripping us of our constitutional and civil rights. And a test to see how far we'll bend to the rules that do that stripping. I was at a ice cream shop yesterday when a man came to the counter to order. The person...
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    Justice (Ruth B. Ginsburg) Replacement Nominee Expected Next Week, Mitch Mcconnell Promises Senate Vote

    Litigants were subject to an 8 panel SCOTUS when Ginsburg wasn't sitting the bench due to her cancer. In that case if there is a 4-4 tie in a case before the members, the lower courts ruling stands but that decision in the lower court does not set a precedent. A precedent would is set if it was...
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    Justice (Ruth B. Ginsburg) Replacement Nominee Expected Next Week, Mitch Mcconnell Promises Senate Vote

    True. However, it is without exception that the party affiliation of a candidate for SCOTUS is an issue. Justices must be impartial. However, as we saw during the last eight years before Trump, that was taken as a mere suggestion. In the matter of replacing Ginsburg, what with Biden/Harris on...
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    How is life treating you?

    Have you looked for any churches that may be for sale? Maybe look around for closed churches or what is labeled, "off market" churches. An example below in my area.
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    SALVATION - Is Christ Accepted By Man, Or is Man Accepted By God?

    I meant precisely what I said. Faith and belief are not diametrically opposite. That would be your thinking. I never implied nor stated that. Again, that is the problem with solely relying on a single verse to make a point. John 3 itself puts Jesus conversation with Nicodemus into right...
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    Mosaic Law

    What scripture tells you the man who was murdered by his brother Cain was the first recorded apostle? Apostle = Messenger. apostle (n.) Old English apostol "messenger," especially the twelve witnesses sent forth by Jesus to preach his Gospel (Luke vi.13), from Late Latin apostolus, from Greek...
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    Mosaic Law

    And yet, the passage that warns not to add to or take away from what is in this book, is not a passage that is referring to the new testament nor the whole bible. Rather, it is the warning the apostle John gave during his exile on the isle of Patmos in the Aegean where he authored, (exiled but...
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    SALVATION - Is Christ Accepted By Man, Or is Man Accepted By God?

    I wouldn't bother to read that thread. This is my point and then we're through with this line of nonsense. You refuse to answer the question I posed in this thread. Then you presume to make a thread expounding on a point you refuse to answer in this thread. That's ridiculous.
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    Ginsberg went home

    Biden and Harris support infanticide! That is, performance of an abortion once the baby is delivered. Further, Biden has stated on the record that his beliefs in that regard, and late term abortion also, as in 9 moths in-utero abortion, will be the litmus test for any justice he nominates to the...
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    Ginsberg went home

    Godly person? The hatred they show for Trump is deplorable. They hate judging? But they persist in doing that when it comes to Trump, and as a hypocrite then attempt to cite scriptures to tell others it is wrong to judge. Give me a break! They also tell us they're not a certain kind of...
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    Ginsberg went home

    John McCain broke under torture and gave up all the secrets he had concerning soldiers still in the field! John McCain was not a war hero. He was a POW! Which is not the same thing. Countless soldiers died because McCain gave the enemy the answers they sought. And to be very clear, the...
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    Ginsberg went home

    You don't see it do you? You're judging me. And you're judging Trump who, if you adhere to scripture, we're told was put in the office of president by God himself. And you judge that Trump is horrible. Were you paying attention to the president who ruined this country for 8 years prior?And his...
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    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    I'd love to hear you sustain that opinion with supporting scripture.
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    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    You've never studied martial arts.
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    If both parents of a child are not saved will that child (who is unclean and not holy) go in the Rapture?

    Why would I work so hard to imply or infer a child is doomed. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (14) The unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife.--Any scruple which a Christian might have felt as to whether matrimonial union with an unbeliever would be defiling is here removed...
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    Justice (Ruth B. Ginsburg) Replacement Nominee Expected Next Week, Mitch Mcconnell Promises Senate Vote

    Ginsburg was selfish in not stepping down when she was infirm and unfit to be a justice. Now that she's gone she should have no say whatsoever as to when her replacement is appointed. RBG was a staunch radical Leftist and she presumed Biden/Harris would take the White House and therein another...
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    SALVATION - Is Christ Accepted By Man, Or is Man Accepted By God?

    Belief and faith are intrinsic features in Christianity. Are they not pertaining to the truth of God in Christ?
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    Grab the Tissues

    :cry: Bravo precious! Bravo.