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  1. S

    Officers involved in Breonna Taylor case will not face homicide charges, grand jury says...

    And yet,The Killing of Breonna Taylor, Part 2 At 12:40 a.m., the police began banging on her door and eventually rammed it down. The couple’s shouted pleas for those at the door to identify themselves, Mr. Walker said...
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    President Donald J. Trump Is Pro-Life, Saving The Innocent Unborn Child

    The law prior to its repeal in the Griswold case prohibited birth control by married couples. If you can believe it.
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    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    No Christian worships a dead Christ. Jesus was in the tomb for three days and three nights. He did not resurrect on Sunday. Leviticus 23:5-6 The LORD's Passover begins at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month. 6 On the fifteenth day of that month the LORD's Festival of...
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    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    I think it is wrong to condemn people for doing what they believe is right in the Lord as pertains to taking a day of rest that was created by him for us. I don't know how people become upset over sabbath keepers and they themselves attend church on Sunday. Both are honoring God and worshiping...
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    If both parents of a child are not saved will that child (who is unclean and not holy) go in the Rapture?

    Which part? The rapture of Christians or atheists realizing their oops moment if/when the rapture occurs?
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    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    I know someone that started training in martial arts after they were accosted by a Boy Scout leader. There was no rape or anything like sodomy but the violation was still horrible. And the kids were defenseless because they were outnumbered by the perverts accosting them at night when they'd...
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    If both parents of a child are not saved will that child (who is unclean and not holy) go in the Rapture?

    I watched the Left Behind movie years ago and they featured that story line. Passengers on planes vanished leaving just their clothing on the seats. Huge "oops" moment for atheist I'd think.
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    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    You can get the information from the horses mouth sort of speak. Ask your Karate friend it idolatry is part of their practice. People are able to demonize anything. Recently something was recalled from years ago as pertains to the now dead pastor Jerry Falwell, RIP. He launched a campaign...
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    Are the words of Jesus not for Christians?

    I think if we first accept what Paul taught, that we are all one in Christ Jesus, that there is no racial identity, no gender identity, then I'd say all Jesus' Gospel teachings are for Christians. God sent Jesus because he loved the world. The Gospel doesn't discriminate when it is read to...
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    If both parents of a child are not saved will that child (who is unclean and not holy) go in the Rapture?

    Did they need to? Reading the thread title I wouldn't think they'd have to say Hell when it is implied in the title. There are those Christians who believe children can go to Hell btw. Even newborns.
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    Officers involved in Breonna Taylor case will not face homicide charges, grand jury says...

    I'm actually quite sick of reading of police misconduct that causes innocent civilians to suffer injury or death. Anyone who has encountered a dirty cop know how it feels. Dirty corrupt cops who believe they are able to break the law as law enforcement are a threat to everyone. And added to...
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    Officers involved in Breonna Taylor case will not face homicide charges, grand jury says...

    I think we first have to remember also that Ms. Taylor was an EMT. And the cops that shot her, all three, were in plain clothes! Imagine this scenario. You're asleep. You hear someone break through your locked house door. Investigating you see three people wearing street clothes in your house...
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    If both parents of a child are not saved will that child (who is unclean and not holy) go in the Rapture?

    OK. My question was answered in the same post 7 by the commentary I posted beneath the question. Making it not really a question but an answer. Reposted: Why would I work so hard to imply or infer a child is doomed. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (14) The unbelieving husband is...
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    President Donald J. Trump Is Pro-Life, Saving The Innocent Unborn Child

    NO! That's why those who are reasonable and think won't vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
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    Officers involved in Breonna Taylor case will not face homicide charges, grand jury says...

    Yes. :) Breonna Taylor case: Breonna's Law passed to ban no-knock warrant ... Breonna's Law passed to ban no-knock warrants In the wake of the killing of Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old who was shot to death during a police raid in March, the Louisville City Council unanimously passed a ban on...
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    Officers involved in Breonna Taylor case will not face homicide charges, grand jury says...

    No charges are filed against the BF. These cops were executing a no knock warrant on the wrong house. Which means they didn't announce themselves as police while trying to break into the house. I assure you, I know people who would fire at someone breaking into their house at night. Friendly...
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    Officers involved in Breonna Taylor case will not face homicide charges, grand jury says...

    Yeah. You might care to read the subject line of the thread.
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    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    No, I have no interest in working to help you sustain your claims. That you resorted to this answers my question. If Frances Swaggart used displayed the Mano Cornuto it was to address the rumors and slurs against the ministry. The Mano Cornuto in Italy means something quite opposite of what...
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    President Donald J. Trump Is Pro-Life, Saving The Innocent Unborn Child

    It is infanticide. But according to HRC and K. Harris, it's a right to choose. They say this because they're here.