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  1. L

    What is the resurrection of bodies for?

    There will be both the faithful who are physically alive on the inside , and the faithless who are physically alive on the outside during the millennia. The faithless in carnal bodies Gog and Magog precede the close of the millennia. Then comes the resurrection of all at the close of the millennia.
  2. L

    Seems Revalations and Book of Enoc are seldom/never preached about today.

    I have read the book of Enoch a couple of times, and have noticed several correlations with the book of Revelation. I think the reason why it was taken out from modern day biblical canon are the numerous descriptions that are even more surreal than those in the book of Revelation. One example is...
  3. L

    Predestination or free wiil.

    Semantics? We know that the Lord was successful in having the Ninevite's repent, and so He did not have to give them their just reward of Evil for their evils.
  4. L

    What is the resurrection of bodies for?

    The Lord along with His saints shall rule over the earth with a rod of Iron. To rule over the earth means to rule over its peoples; it does not mean as in distance height over the earth. Revelation 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he...
  5. L

    Predestination or free wiil.

    Yes, the Lord did say that He would overthrow them in forty days. And He did, their pernicious ways overthrow.
  6. L

    Predestination or free wiil.

    The Lord did not lie. Had the Ninevite's not repented of their erroneous ways, Nineveh would then have been obliterated. They repented, and so the Lord repented of the punishment due them had they not repented.
  7. L

    What is the resurrection of bodies for?

    Yes, and Jesus will return and be king on the earth. Will the Lord reign in a carnal body? Will the saints who will reign with Christ on the earth for a millennia, reign in carnal bodies. How I see this, is the Lord with the saints who are no longer on the earth, will marry spiritually to the...
  8. L

    adoption by God

    If you are saying it is a work in progress before we are adopted as Gods children then I agree. This work in progress I see in correlation with our having to overcome our carnal inclinations, before our adoption.
  9. L

    What is the resurrection of bodies for?

    I'm of the opinion that the resurrection for they who believe in the Spirit and are spiritually minded will yield them a spiritual body; while they who are carnally minded will be reincarnated into the carnal world they love. Daniel 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth...
  10. L

    Predestination or free wiil.

    If you are referring to the Ninevite's having predestination as children of God...; only those of the 600,000 who would continue on a path other than for their corrupt flesh, and would choose a just way in love and loving their neighbor, would I then assume had a predestination as a child of God.
  11. L

    Predestination or free wiil.

    Same result. Instead of telling them to repent in order to receive benefit; the Lord foretold of their imminent doom, thus causing them to repent. Had Jonah gone in and told the Ninevite's to repent of their actions, to which they were unaware of doing wrong, they would have merely ignored Jonah...
  12. L

    Predestination or free wiil.

    The Lord had Jonah proclaim their doom, so that they would repent of their unjust actions, which is what they did. The Lord also give stern warning to the Israelite's to the path they should take, of which some followed, while others did not.
  13. L

    Predestination or free wiil.

    Yes, the Lord knew ahead of time that Nineveh would repent and cry out to Him,...etc. The Lord also knew that when He gave the Israelite's of the Exodus the laws to life, which if they disobeyed would then receive all the curses He described, would in that and in future generations choose the...
  14. L

    Predestination or free wiil.

    Your perspective that predestination belongs to them who are already saved nullifies scripture about the Lord being impartial. 1 Peter 1:17 And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear:
  15. L

    Predestination or free wiil.

    God can send the evil (the devil) to those whose actions are unjust, as would have been the case with the Ninevites, until they repented of their unjust actions, thereby causing the Lord to withdraw from sending the evil their unjust actions deserved. Evil is in opposition to God. John 3:20 For...
  16. L

    Predestination or free wiil.

    Of course the Lord knows all future decisions, otherwise His predestining some to become His children would be without our having made the choice to follow Him. This would mean the Lord predestined some to become His children by mere randomness.
  17. L

    Predestination or free wiil.

    As the whole world and universe is a direct result from the Lords creation; all evil acts that then occur on the earth are a result from the Lords creation. This includes the devil, whom they who choose to be carnally minded have as their god.
  18. L

    Predestination or free wiil.

    To know the end from the beginning is to see the end from the beginning. I do not put limits on seeing the future on the One who called into existence the universe (and time) from nothing. Isaiah 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet...
  19. L

    Predestination or free wiil.

    Did not the Lord also create evil? Yes, He did (Isaiah 45:7), and He did so for they who would choose the evil over the good. They who are carnally minded, whose belly (carnal inclinations) is their god (their love), are they whom the Lord has not foreknown. They who choose to be spiritually...
  20. L

    Predestination or free wiil.

    As the Lord has seen everything from beginning to end at the onset of His creation; they whom He then knew before they were born, are they who would choose to believe in Him, which is to believe in love and loving their neighbor. If you believe in love, and loving your neighbor, you are then...