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  1. L

    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    No scripture? In Revelation the great crowd too large to number is seen in heaven before the 70th week begins. That is the very idea of "pre..." Paul tells us his rapture / gathering comes first - just before wrath and just before the Day of the Lord. That is what "pre" means.
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    "He will come with ten thousands of His saints..." "They" in end times scriptures could reference "the church," or "Israel" or "the nations." Because these three groups are all talked about in end times scriptures. We must study to see which group a scripture is pointed to. SO MANY jump on a...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Your Claim Is (False) NO, his claim is truth. John STARTS the Day of the Lord or the day of His wrath at the 6th seal but doesn't end it. So the rest of the book is all part of the Day of the Lord. Your verses only speak of it coming. Find a scripture where it ends.
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    The truth is, pre-trib IS in the bible, but do you your preconceived ideas, you can't see it. It is preached because it is in the bible, not because of fear. God has an ESCAPE planned. People can chose to take it or ignore it.
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Right: the same thing would be true for the rapture event, but IN CONTEXT this cannot be the rapture.
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    Dr Caroline Leaf 'Cleaning up Your Mental Mess' (It's a book)

    The truth is there, in Mark 11:23 and many places in Proverbs: we are today what we said yesterday. Mark 11:23 ends with "He shall have whatsoever he says..." When adults speak from their heart, they are programming their future. Therefore, to change our future, we must first change our words...
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    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    I DON'T agree with that 4:1 onward part. 4:1 is NOTHING MORE than John being called up to heaven so WE can read His book. WHEN? Around 95 AD. There is NOT ONE HINT in the words there that would hint a huge jump in time. How people find the start of the 70th week there is beyond me. Before the...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Thanks for reminding me of that! Paul's rapture gathers from EARTH. This gathering after the trib gathers from the furtherest parts of heaven to the furthers parts of earth. They CANNOT POSSIBLY be the same gathering. What is that gathering after the Trib? I believe God will gather all the...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    It would be wiser to say "I can't find any biblical evidence for pre-trib." The truth is, millions have found it. First, it seems that after a few years (after Pentecost and before Paul) that God gave Israel many chances to receive Him as their Messiah as a nation - but they refused. God then...
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    If you don't wish to be caught up, I believe Jesus will give you exactly what you are believing for. In which case, you will be left behind to face days of GT and God's wrath. I wonder why you would want to refuse God's escape plan?
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    I counted 15 times "watch" was written in relation to His coming.
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Perhaps the 6th trumpet is this parable taking place.
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    50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord

    Would you believe when Jesus gathers His elect after the trib of those days, the church will already be WITH HIM? The church is in heaven for the marriage and supper, then return WITH HIM. A good guess on "the elect" is God bringing all the Jews and Hebrews from everywhere they are at (Except...
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    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    This is MYTH as I have shown in another post.
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    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    Please, don't just speak of unanswered questions: show them! I will do my best to answer.
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    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    You are right, God's wrath will start at the 6th seal, right where John tells us. You are mistaken: in 32 AD the church started taking the gospel to the world. There was MUCH overcoming at every new place. For example, study the life of Paul and ask yourself if he had things he had to overcome...
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    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    I think you must be imagining this. But let's see your proof. Strange: I have never heard this before. There is no "action" written on or about the 7th seal - only that it allows the book to be opened. Without much doubt, the Trumpet judgments (as a minimum) are written inside the book...
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    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    It would be great if we had even one "original" written by one of the apostles. We don't. We have to make the best of what we have. In studying yesterday I discovered that many in the church did not at first accept John's Revelation of Jesus Christ. That surprised me. I would list it as one of...
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    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    Sorry, but you are told wrong. In context, the first seal was opened as soon as Jesus ascended and sent down the Holy Spirit - then got the book. The first seal is the church sent out with the gospel. Seals 2 through 4 are to represent the devil trying to stop the church. God limited him to...
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    When did (will) Jesus open the first seal in Rev. 6 and what does it represent?

    He was not found worthy in that first search John watched that ended in failure. The REASON is, He was not yet risen from the dead. What John wrote was that He "prevailed" to become worthy. One thing Jesus prevailed over that no other man ever did: He rose from the dead by His own power.