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  1. Aerials1978

    Why does God oppose Judaizing?

    I think Paul address this in the Book of Galatians.
  2. Aerials1978

    Why the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is not for Today

    The quote that Jesus said is so true, many don’t even realize they are fulfilling prophecy: 18 “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own John 15:18
  3. Aerials1978

    Why the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is not for Today

    They’re just ignorant because there are eternal sources like Tactius and Josephus wrote about Him.
  4. Aerials1978

    Why the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is not for Today

    Some people still look for justification through sanctification. I’m not say this poster is alluding to that. It’s a concept that is part of certain denominations teachings which is incorrect.
  5. Aerials1978

    I feel utterly suicidal today, I can't seem to go on anymore

    I haven’t seen a reply recently. I really hope nothing horrible happened.
  6. Aerials1978

    Why the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is not for Today

    I get what you’re saying, but that’s not answering the question.
  7. Aerials1978

    Why the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is not for Today

    But would one be denied salvation is what I’m asking?
  8. Aerials1978

    Why the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is not for Today

    What if one choose not to be baptized? Do they lose their salvation? I know that’s a hypothetical, but I’m sure through history that has occurred.
  9. Aerials1978

    Why the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is not for Today

    What if they don’t have a chance to be baptized?
  10. Aerials1978

    An obvious contradiction?

    I had a friend who very much adhered to the 5 fold ministry. We did have some interesting conversations to say the least.
  11. Aerials1978

    Why the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is not for Today

    I would say for a new believer they need to know where their salvation comes from. They should be baptized if they have the opportunity to do so.
  12. Aerials1978

    Why the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is not for Today

    Even though this is now an older post, I don’t mind answering. It’s not my position that one should forgo baptism. I’m saying for true salvation baptism is not a part of that process . For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God...
  13. Aerials1978

    I’m single and not really digging it.

    I admire your optimism
  14. Aerials1978

    I’m single and not really digging it.

    I always appreciate and respect the knowledge experienced people give. And you’re absolutely correct. I will wait and have prayed earnestly. Even as a younger man I also wanted a wife. I was not a good steward when I had it. By Lords leading and grace that won’t happen again.
  15. Aerials1978

    Doctrines that Destroy Lives

    I appreciate that!
  16. Aerials1978

    I’m single and not really digging it.

    I agree that music is very uplifting. Always has been for me. Thank you for sharing the video. One song that really speaks to “Entering the New World” is posted below. I listen multiple times a day.
  17. Aerials1978

    Doctrines that Destroy Lives

    While I have always held the view that the OC and NT are on par with each other. Certainly the OC was a shadowing of the Jesus. Adhering to OC laws and whats is true obedience, some get lost the weeds on both sides.
  18. Aerials1978

    I’m single and not really digging it.

    As you stated before, we just need to wait on his timing. Jesus what’s me to be in His love, but He also working on my heart to love others. Even people I don’t know. I’m being molded by the Potters Hands. I will let the Creator do what He does best!
  19. Aerials1978

    I’m single and not really digging it.

    Don’t give up Brother! There were many times in my life I knew it was slipping away. Jesus in his mercy had to stripe me of comfort. He brought me out of the grave. He will continue to do so for you when you call on his name. We are all gracefully broken.
  20. Aerials1978

    I’m single and not really digging it.

    Thank you! May the Lord of Hosts always be with you as well!