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  1. S

    Ohio Woman Tased for Not Wearing Mask

    Perhaps in retrospect you may consider your wise remarks and then take a look at the Reaction column of member to whom you addressed them. LENNA'S REACTIONS Dislikes given: 55 Dislikes received: 18 Let us not be led to divide...
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    Ohio Woman Tased for Not Wearing Mask

    During WW2 Germans hid those the Nazi's sought for termination. Sadly, many German families were executed for being found out committing that offense of harboring because their neighbors turned them in. George Soros and his family were taken to the camps in Hungary. Soros and his father, as...
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    Ohio Woman Tased for Not Wearing Mask

    Alecia Kitts Lawyer said she was tased in the football stands for no reason Published By Brittany Long - Friday, 25 September 2020 “Ms. Kitts explained to the policy officer and administrators that she has asthma, but they ignored her,” her attorney, Maurice A. Thompson, told the outlet...
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    Ohio Woman Tased for Not Wearing Mask

    Only one category of member knows what that is. Now I know why you stalk certain members to respond to your behavior. Thank you for sharing under that account name.
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    Ohio Woman Tased for Not Wearing Mask

    Well the good news is Alecia Kitts wasn't shot in the head. Though had that occurred I have no doubt there would be support for that assault as well.
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    Ohio Woman Tased for Not Wearing Mask

    Ohio's mask mandate states masks are compulsory indoors. Or, outside when social distancing is not possible. If you watch the video I posted, the victim of this resource officer's assault is with her family. Her mother and two children. None are wearing masks you'll note. This RO targeted the...
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    President Donald J. Trump Is Pro-Life, Saving The Innocent Unborn Child

    Once again? You ignored the newest articles? No, I don't oppose birth control.
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    Today's announcement is official. President Trump names Judge Amy Coney Barrett as his Supreme Court nominee news video

    Maybe Diane will cool her jets a little and step from her high horse? September 24, 2020 Sen. Feinstein’s Husband Named In UC Admissions Scandal
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    Today's announcement is official. President Trump names Judge Amy Coney Barrett as his Supreme Court nominee news video

    I don't know how Churchill's maxim fits this but I too hope Judge Barrett ascends through the process and is sworn in to the supreme court.
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    Ohio Woman Tased for Not Wearing Mask

    The offender in this case was not a police officer! They were a school resource officer with a weapon. I don't know why no one prevented this assault before the offender electrocuted this victim. They're outside! There's no requirement to wear a mask out of doors.
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    Today's announcement is official. President Trump names Judge Amy Coney Barrett as his Supreme Court nominee news video

    I've encountered bigotry toward Catholics while reading some of the boards here. I'd suggest if any Christian is for the nomination of Judge Barrett they may wish to consider she is a Catholic. Does that make a difference to Christians here when she is also pro-life? Hot Air/New York Times...
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    Immune boosters

    Be advised that green tea is high in natural caffeine. You might want to add Zinc to your regimine. Zinc is a tissue purifier. It is especially good for men. Echinacea and Olive Leaf extract are also very good at stimulating the immune system. I learned this from my nutritionist. And also...
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    President Donald J. Trump Is Pro-Life, Saving The Innocent Unborn Child

    What is this, a club of anti-Catholics? You imagine a Christian/religious source would lie about the fact certain birth control pills can induce abortion? How about Mayo Clinic? *this is not speaking to abortion through use of BCP* Can I use several birth control pills at once for emergency...
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    Should A Judge Check Their Faith At The Door?

    You're not reachable. Just remember one thing as you pursue your adversarial agenda. Christians and non-Christians will answer for every word when standing before God. I won't be reading you anymore. You have nothing born of nor from righteousness to say.
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    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    I'd be happy to stop. You refuse to acknowledge what I've said, and I did not deflect anything, you just don't like the answer, therefore there is no discussion possible. What you don't realize is implying the message is the same as stating the message. And what I've seen on the net? Was an...
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    Should A Judge Check Their Faith At The Door?

    I think this is why the religious question concerning Jurists, especially those seated on the highest court in our nation, enters into political discourse. However, as we find and shall find no doubt in Judge Barrett's hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, the question of religious...
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    Should A Judge Check Their Faith At The Door?

    A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. Gal. 5:9 "Many will say to me on that day, 'LORD, LORD, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'