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  1. S

    BREAKING NEWS: Hillary Clinton was attempting to tie Trump to the Russia and distract from her email scandal.

    I would love to see criminal acts by those in the Legislature, or as a former SoS, and president, be brought to justice. In the contemporary arena of politics, I'd very much like to see Nancy Pelosi, Chuch Shumer, and all others invested in the Democrats soft coup against Trump brought to...
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    Project Veritas - Ballot Harvester in cash-for-ballots scheme

    Don't you love it when criminals video the evidence against themselves? I think the election is the primary reason why primarily Democratic states took the Covid 19 lock down to the extreme that it has arrived at. In order to not just undo all Trump accomplished in the years prior to the...
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    BREAKING NEWS: Hillary Clinton was attempting to tie Trump to the Russia and distract from her email scandal.

    The tragic part of dirty politics, besides the practice itself, is the fact that the criminal in elected seats rarely if ever are held to answer for their crimes as would be the electorate, us, should we commit an equally egregious act against America. What is also I think important with regard...
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    Elect according to the foreknowledge of God. 1 Peter 1:2

    In many cases the issue with what is termed double predestination is that those who take issue believe it necessarily implies God leads the non-elect, the reprobate dead in their sins, to sin. When it must be a converse association of God's foreknowledge and will as first pertains to the elect...
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    Comment by 'soggykitten' in media '😂😂😂'

    That ladies and gentlemen is real donkey speak saying, "Don't mock me buddy!" :LOL:
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    Elect according to the foreknowledge of God. 1 Peter 1:2

    God has foreknowledge because he is Omniscient. He is the same God yesterday, today and forever. The elect according to 1st Peter refers to the plan of Salvation written of in the old testament (OT). God's grace came first. And then he came to this world to deliver a new covenant that whosoever...
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    Trump is thrashing Biden in the live debate. New news I hadn't known about. Biden's son received over 300 million from a woman in Russia? And gets over 186 thousand a month for consulting on energy or some such? And Bo has no experience in energy? What a debate. Biden is keeping it together...
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    President Donald J. Trump Is Pro-Life, Saving The Innocent Unborn Child

    The thread didn't appear so I hope everyone is watching the live presidential debate tonight. Still happening. Started at 9pm EST.
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    Be Obedient, Even When You Do Not Know Where Obedience May Lean You!

    I did read the scripture that was added to the declaration in the OP. Sinclair's quote is ambiguous because it lacks context, which is why I asked for clarity being the scripture that was included in the OP could be taken either way. Be obedient unto God. Be obedient unto man, by letting your...
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    Ohio Woman Tased for Not Wearing Mask

    Admittedly, Kitts wasn't officially arrested for her mask-resistance; that was just the starting point. "It is important to note, the female was not arrested for failing to wear a mask, she was asked to leave the premises for continually violating school policy," huffs the Logan Police...
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    Ohio Woman Tased for Not Wearing Mask

    By the way, school district policy cannot supersede state law. Someone exempt from wearing a mask due to breathing issues like asthma, if anyone knows what that is and how it impacts the patient, by state law cannot be forced to put themselves at risk by school policy. Public, tax payer funded...
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    Be Obedient, Even When You Do Not Know Where Obedience May Lean You!

    Like roaches. God be with you. God sees them too. Threatening one of his children. Watch what happens. Prayer warriors see you brother and hold you in prayer.
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    Be Obedient, Even When You Do Not Know Where Obedience May Lean You!

    Dear WiFi thief. We see you. Watch what happens. :) J, Have you considered moving? Unfortunately unless I pay money to this site I can't contact you privately. That's a new one for any forum I've seen. And being you have an alley rat stealing your Wifi and eavesdropping I can't give you my...
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    Be Obedient, Even When You Do Not Know Where Obedience May Lean You!

    That is a rather broad declaration don't you think? Be obedient to what? God? Man's law? What? Ferguson doesn't say in that excerpted quote. Without context the remark is meaningless.
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    Ohio Woman Tased for Not Wearing Mask

    You need to learn about public schools and what their property is.
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    Ohio Woman Tased for Not Wearing Mask

    What are you using to arrive at that opinion as to what is rational? Let's look at that. A duly elected Governor of the state of Ohio says people should look to what led up to a woman being electrocuted before passing judgment! Tasers use electric voltage to inflict compliance. Firstly...
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    Biden campaign reverses course after agreeing to ‘earpiece check,’ Trump reps claim – with just hours to go before debate

    Joe was going to go cold at this debate with Trump? No ear bud, no help at all, just him being faced with questions relying on his own acumen. No kidding his camp reconsidered. This of course tells us like HRC in 2016, Joe has the debate questions beforehand. Which isn't how it is suppose to...
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    Progressive Democrats denounce Biden’s ‘shift to left’ with ‘Bidenomics’ as nothing more than REAGANOMICS

    No, we wouldn't want Biden to blow his chance of winning highest office with Kamala as his #2. :confused: Not a good sign for Joe at the polls when the Progressives denounce him this early. All View News - Real Independent Reporting September 29, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe...