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  1. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    You are a most contentious person with reason no doubt, was your question a test? My answer is no. Isaiah40:8 The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever."
  2. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Praise God we live in a time of Grace and Peace and Mercy, the enmity between God and man has been put to death through the cross. Epheasians2:14-18 14) For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15) by setting...
  3. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    and who brought salvation to the lost. Isaiah53:1 Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?
  4. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Cee, thank you for posting this and I think it was you who reminded us, that either you fall on the Rock or the Rock will fall on you. I fell on the Rock 40yrs ago and I continue to serve Him faithfully with the abilities and strength He has given each day, praise God. When you search for...
  5. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Your gospel is a disaster of a train wreck; You have missed the Good News by a mile and your interpretation of the bible is the same as were the pharisee's. Trying to save yourself through "Law Keeping", repent and enter God's eternal rest. This is God's plan of salvation, not man's; repent and...
  6. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    If your interpretation is wrong, your application will be wrong "always" "Sinless Perfectionist", love to focus on this verse and thereby misapply God's word to our life. "Be perfect, (mature), therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Jesus is not teaching His disciples to be "Sinless...
  7. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Amen! Judaizer's zero - Christians win!
  8. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Maybe my post was not clear; thank you Mailman, gb9, and Decon to speak out and against those who would put believers back under the yoke of "Law Keeping", thank you and apologies for my senior moment....(y) God bless!
  9. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Thank you Mailman, gb9, Decon and anyone else who would put the believer back under the yoke of "Law Keeping", Jesus did not abolish the "Law" He was the fulfillment of the "Law" and the realization of our sabbath rest. Agreed gb9, to knowingly misinterpret God's word and mislead His Children...
  10. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    No thank you. You cannot separate God's grace in which we now stand with your wonderful deeds/works, Also you will not be honest about your Church affiliation which makes me skeptical of anything you have to say. Good works are not the measuring stick of who is saved, an atheist can have good...
  11. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Excuse me: wrong quote "Looks like some think the sabbath was made just for them." Should have read; "Looks like some think that man was made for the sabbath." Mark2:27 "Then he said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath."
  12. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Thanks for your post Mail-guy-dan, I say Jesus Christ is the substance of our resting in Christ's finished work, so why keep bringing back the old covenant. If this is not a salvation issue then be at peace with God and your neighbor and worship the God who saved you. Looks like some think the...
  13. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Grace plus works counterfeit gospel, is no different than a modern day pharisee, it's all for show, motivated by their ego and personal gain. Matthew23:1-5; A warning against hypocrisy 23) Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in...
  14. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    The Greek word itself is a compound noun: it's made up of two Greek words that literally translate as “an interpreter from underneath.” Good info decon, from my dictionary the two Greek words are; "Two Faced" or try, "un-trustworthy".....:)
  15. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi UnderGrace, Hypocrite or laughable are appropriate words for someone who considers themself perfect because there is no human being who is perfect, except Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Therefore the human race needs a Perfect Savior, "who knew no sin." who would pay the price for our sin...
  16. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    The Apostle Paul said, it is no longer himself who does it, "but sin living in him." and he tells us he has a "sin nature." Sinless perfection as you state cannot be achieved this side of heaven. And what do you mean by, "should live sinless perfect." Romans7:17 17As it is, it is no longer I...
  17. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi BillG, the term, "huckster", has been used to describe a preacher who is in it for personal gain. A wolf in sheep's clothing is in it; "to draw away the disciples after themselves." (Acts20:30). And also just to lead people astray, even the elect if possible. Discernment is a gift of the...
  18. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi VCO, there are many ways that we can be exposed to false teaching, the internet is just one, The bible teaches we need to be on guard. Mark13:22,23 22 For false christ's and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect. 23 But be on guard. I...
  19. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Embankment said: Clearly you do not understand the cross and grace. You sure do know how to mix "Law and Grace", go back to Sunday school and learn what it means that we are "no longer under law but under grace", you have the strangest counterfeit gospel I have ever heard, it does not even come...
  20. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi E-g, thank you for these words, legalism robs us of the joy of our salvation. Let us not go backwards into law instead of freedom, Christ set us free from the law. The letter of the law kills but the Spirit gives life; Luke 11:42 “Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your...