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  1. L

    Literal to the Book of Revelation or "THE BOOK

    I do suspect that the mark and number of the beast will be an actual mark of some kind, as you will not be able to buy or sell without it. I'm not sure what you are trying to say in regards to the truth of the gospel. What I do know is that the faithful in Christ and His gospel will be doing...
  2. L

    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    How was Rome diverse from all other nations/beasts before it who conquered other nations? Did not Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon, and the Chaldeans not also conquer many nations? What about the ten horns, how do these represent ancient Rome? The answer about the beast with ten horns in Daniel 7 which...
  3. L

    Can a Christian believe in Noahs flood not being Universal?

    Cain being afraid of people a significant amount of time in the future who might want to kill him is really reaching.
  4. L

    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    While it is a fact that Rome conquered Europe, the Middle East. and some of North Africa in Christ's time; does Rome constitute the beast with ten horns who devours the whole world at the end of the age as indicated by the angel Gabriel in Daniel 8:17 & 19?
  5. L

    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    And if we are living near the end of the age, we then should be seeing signs in relation to the beast......; is everyone here just afraid to admit to the possibility that the G-7 nations may represent the seven heads of the beast, and thus our being part of the problem?
  6. L

    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    What is interesting in all the posts here so far is that no one has yet to clearly offered an opinion as to who the beast who devours the whole earth at the end of the age represents. No one appears willing to agree with me that it is the nations who consume (devour) the earths resources, and...
  7. L

    Can a Christian believe in Noahs flood not being Universal?

    Am I supposed to respond to what you hypothetically are referring to?
  8. L

    Can a Christian believe in Noahs flood not being Universal?

    Another none elaborated response..., from above or from below?
  9. L

    Can a Christian believe in Noahs flood not being Universal?

    A Benny Hill comedian response, where do you think that spirit originates, from above or from the deceiver, Satan?
  10. L

    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    Only problem with these events having occurred in the past is the angel Gabriel informing Daniel in Daniel 8:17 & 19 that the events described to him about the beast and its mouth relate to the current end of the age under Satan, which is also elaborated upon and confirmed occurring at the end...
  11. L

    Can a Christian believe in Noahs flood not being Universal?

    dcontroversal, who were all the people Cain was afraid would kill him in Genesis 4:14 after his having murdered his brother Abel, were they Adam's offspring? Genesis 4:14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a...
  12. L

    Can a Christian believe in Noahs flood not being Universal?

    I'm assuming you are an recent earth creation believer; do you deny dinosaurs existed, or did they exist with man 6000 years ago?
  13. L

    Can a Christian believe in Noahs flood not being Universal?

    You need to elaborate more clearly what part is drivel. Is it that homo sapiens have been around for circa 200,000 years, or is it that the Lord prior to creating man in His image of love circa 6000 years ago was guiltless of corruption, or is it something else?
  14. L

    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    In Daniel 7 we see a ten horned beast described, which is also described in Revelation 13 having seven heads. In Daniel 8 we see a he-goat with a prominent horn whose air force (without touching the ground) after defeating Media and Persia (corresponding with Iran and Iraq today) secedes into...
  15. L

    Can a Christian believe in Noahs flood not being Universal?

    I completely believe and acknowledge an earth in accretion with water at its inception. How do scoffers walking after their own lusts correlate with denying the flood during the end of the age under Satan?
  16. L

    How old is the earth?

    The Bible (the Word) is to be divided correctly. To divide the Word correctly means to gather all correlating scriptures and assess the data with common sense.
  17. L

    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    A pole shift is also definitely in the works sister according to the scientific data; possibly in the next several centuries. A pole shift, however, is not the curse in Isaiah 24 and Zechariah 5.
  18. L

    How old is the earth?

    So according to you the Lord is simply telling everyone in His Word that He is spreading Himself over the the Earth. Kind of mundane information! And the Lord informing in Isaiah 44:24 that He alone spreads forth the heavens (the universe) and the earth, for you to disclaim as a hypothesis would...
  19. L

    Can a Christian believe in Noahs flood not being Universal?

    Hello dcontroversal, If homo sapiens according to the archaeological record have been around for circa 200, 000 years, why then would the Lord all of a sudden circa 5.000 years ago decide man was so corrupt that he needed to be destroyed at that point 5,000 years ago? Why was man (without God)...
  20. L

    How old is the earth?

    Are you claiming the Lord rested on the seventh day after creating everything, and then resting again during the 1000 year reign with the saints? What kind of reigning with a rod of iron would that be with God and the saints resting?