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  1. L

    How old is the earth?

    Man is flesh and needs to rest due to exhaustion; God is Spirit; does God then need to rest due to exhaustion?
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    How old is the earth?

    As God alone spreadeth abroad the earth, as in continental drift, which according to satellite measurements is circa a couple of inches a year; how then have the thousands of miles in separation of continents occurred over only about 6,000 years? Isaiah 44:Isaiah 44:24 Thus saith the Lord, thy...
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    Can a Christian believe in Noahs flood not being Universal?

    How do people here explain the aborigines in Australia, the indigenous people in South America, Asians and Africans who seem to precede an approximate 5,000 year ago flood?
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    Can a Christian believe in Noahs flood not being Universal?

    Question: Was the end of all flesh and everything that had breath before the Lord in exception to Noah and all in the ark, or was it in regards to the end of the age, and maybe even the end of the millennium, as in the reaping of everything in Revelation 14?
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    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    Locutus, why do you give yourself a demonic designation?
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    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    Yes, my gibberish in correlation with the Word.
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    Literal to the Book of Revelation or "THE BOOK

    Hello garee, The first thing we have to understand is that the time in reference about the beast, the dragon, and the false prophet, regard the end of the age under Satan, at the conclusion of which the Lord will commence to reign on earth through his saints. As such the miracles the beast and...
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    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    Is this Quechua, I do not understand this gibberish of yours?
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    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    Hello brother TabinRivCA, Hint, the curse causing all the earth's environmental destruction in Isaiah 24, is the same curse which goes over the face of the whole earth in Zechariah 5. Isaiah 24:6 Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore...
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    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    Please do. Hopefully something more than the fluff you have so far supplied.
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    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    Daniel 8 and Revelation 13 provide criteria about the beast's mouth, aka the Antichrist, who magnifies himself (is a narcissist), and casts truth to the ground (Daniel 8:12), denying totally confirmed global warming with evidence its destroying the environment, just to keep the current game of...
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    Can a Christian believe in Noahs flood not being Universal?

    Could the whole world be represented by they whom God/love came to know through Adam (in the Middle East), and not the rest of humanity throughout the world who had yet to be assimilated nine generations from Adam?
  13. L

    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    Can anyone here above milk status interpret what Isaiah 24 means? Hint, it is the destruction of earth's environment through industrial pollution due to mankind's love for material goods. Isaiah 24:19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved...
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    Literal to the Book of Revelation or "THE BOOK

    You are ignoring the fact that Revelation 13 in regards to the beast of the end times is the same beast in Daniel 7. You are doing this to make your eschatology fit the deception Satan the deceiver of all mankind is feeding you. Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old...
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    To keep the Sabbath holy means to keep at least one day of the week exclusively concentrated on the Lord, and not mind your other endeavors throughout the rest of the week. Not like these in Amos 8:5 who on their Sabbath their hearts are concerned about their god mammon. Amos 8:5 Saying, When...
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    Literal to the Book of Revelation or "THE BOOK

    GraceAndTruth, John penned Revelation circa 95 AD, some 20+ years after the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem. The events described in Revelation chapters 4 through 22 thereby correspond to events after 95 AD. As such the events describing the ten horned beast in Daniel 7 being the same ten horned...
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    The fourth beast in Daniel 7 who devours the whole earth?

    In Daniel 7 there appears a fourth beast different from the three other beasts as it devours the whole earth. With the understanding that the four separate beasts in Daniel 7 are the unified world order of nations in Revelation 13, which of the worlds nations would you then suspect is...
  18. L

    Literal to the Book of Revelation or "THE BOOK

    I can understand your perspective about loving your neighbor, as this is the great commandment, but we are also told to "watch" when the signs in Mark 13, Matthew 24, and Luke 21, of the present end times appear. This is when the abomination of desolation along with beast and his number make...
  19. L

    How old is the earth?

    Consumers, who devour the whole earth.
  20. L

    Literal to the Book of Revelation or "THE BOOK

    Chapters 2 and 3 in Revelation were directed to the 7 churches in Asia to overcome their carnal inclinations, and so are also meant for all throughout the current age to likewise overcome. Revelation 4 through 22, however, regard events after 95 AD when John received the Revelation. Revelation...