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  1. L

    Works error

    I as well brother, think myself not Holy yet, but I am striving for it. It is our reasonable service.
  2. L

    Works error

    We are to overcome our worldly carnal inclinations. Those who don't appear in Revelation chapters 2 and 3.
  3. L

    Works error

    I agree that so long as we have repented, we are then holy and acceptable before the Lord. If, however, I return to my fleshly desires from which I repented, I then do not believe that I remain holy and acceptable before the Lord.
  4. L

    Works error

    We are to repent first. That is why John the Baptist came first. It looks like the Lord knew what the deception the devil would use in the future about not needing to repent, and so sent John the Baptist that to prepare the way to Gods acceptance, one must first repent.
  5. L

    Global warming theory is "false science"

    Look at the world's changing climate in the link below...
  6. L

    Global warming theory is "false science"

    In the latter national geographic site you list, it describes red tide algal blooms in association with the dead zones. These red tide dead zones, created by fertilizer runoff, are increasing in size and frequency throughout the world's seas. I wonder if these red tides have anything to do with...
  7. L

    Global warming theory is "false science"

    The creation story is the Lord declaring the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). The Lord who is the potter is still in the process of creating man, forming his spirit within him (Isaiah 64:8; Lamentations 4:2; Romans 9:21; Zechariah 12:1). The Lord is still in the process of creating the...
  8. L

    Global warming theory is "false science"

    I see the third angels sounding warning in Revelation 8:10-11 in which one third of the earth's rivers and underground aquifers are made bitter and poisonous in relation to fracking. Revelation 8:10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp...
  9. L

    Works error

    I do understand that no matter what work I may do to atone for my incorrect actions, that this will not bring my salvation. The reason for this is that those works will not change my carnally inclined heart towards a spiritually inclined heart. It is the Lord's grace that will conform my heart...
  10. L

    Works error

    Remember Jerry Falwell Junior with his sexcapades who just resigned from a Liberty Christian University; what do you think this has done to the faith of many of the students there, in addition to their families, and the rest of the world who saw this news? If you are going to preach faith in...
  11. L

    Works error

    You, as him are not completing what grace meaning freedom to you means. I know that with many people they see the grace of God as a get out of hell free card, which has the same result as a license to sin. This is hypocrisy in my view, and is why when many people see those who preach to them as...
  12. L

    Works error

    Good morning Jackson 123, Sorry I did not get back to you yesterday on this but I was working. To answer your question: Yes there is an absolute correlation between faith and a Holy life. If I believe in Jesus Christ, then I believe in what Jesus Christ believes, which is to Love God and our...
  13. L

    Works error

    I am affirming the Word by Paul in Romans 12:1, that it is our reasonable service to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, leaving worldly carnal desires, in order to be holy and acceptable to God. Unless you have some other interpretation for what offering our bodies as living sacrifices...
  14. L

    Works error

    If I got it wrong, then I got it wrong. I was under the impression he was claiming grace as the freedom to continue in sin, without any sin culpability. Below is a copy paste of his statemant. "This is again virtue signalling and Paul was also accused by what your saying about those who...
  15. L

    Works error

    Since the latter part of Romans 12:1 indicates those who offer their body as a living sacrifice by putting their worldly carnal inclinations behind them are holy and acceptable before God, I am then running on the logical assessment that such an individual's sins have been forgiven them.
  16. L

    Works error

    Post #65 claims it's not license by is freedom through grace.
  17. L

    Works error

    According to Paul in Romans 12:1-2 we are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, which means to cease from worldly carnal inclinations, so that we may be holy and acceptable to God. Those who honestly love God, would do this reasonable service. Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore...
  18. L

    Works error

    I am not judging anyone, I am merely presenting logic. When we first come to the Lord for salvation, are we not first to repent of our sins, which means to have an earnest desire to leave our worldly carnal inclinations behind us? Yes we are. If we are then to lead someone else to Christ telling...
  19. L

    Works error

    I agree it is about the law of love. Love is spiritual, and as such is at odds with worldly carnal inclinations. Romans 8:5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity...
  20. L

    Works error

    Offering your physical body a living sacrifice, so that the Lord may find you acceptable, means to refrain from worldly carnal inclinations.