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  1. S

    Sunday Worship?

    I've done that every time I've correctly done what a law instructs.
  2. S

    Sunday Worship?

    To fulfill the law" means "to cause God''s will (as made known through His law) to be obeyed as it should be" (NAS Greek Lexicon: pleroo). Countless people have fulfilled the law insofar as there are commands that we have correctly obeyed, such as someone is fulfilling the command to honor...
  3. S

    Sunday Worship?

    According to Galatians 5:14, anyone who has ever loved their neighbor had fulfilled the entire law, so even if it were possibly for him to fulfill the law on our behalf, we have no need for him to do so, nor should we want him to deprive us of getting to do that and take away our gift of...
  4. S

    Sunday Worship?

    I see what we do as being synonymous with who we are. How would you describe who someone is without making reference to what they do? Jesus expressed the divine nature by setting an example for us to follow of how to walk in obedience to the Mosaic Law, so that is also what we do when we are...
  5. S

    Sunday Worship?

    Even if God has never made any covenants with man, then we would still be obligated to act in accordance with God's nature and to refrain from sin that is contrary to His nature. The God of Israel has given instructions for how to grow in a relationship with Him through the Mosaic Law, so...
  6. S

    Sunday Worship?

    Obedience to God's law has never been about needing to have a good enough performance. We would not earn our righteousness as a wage by obeying God's law even if we managed to have perfect obedience to it (Romans 4:1-5), so that was never the goal of why we should obey it. Rather, emulating...
  7. S

    Sunday Worship?

    So when God has commanded something and you interpret the author of Hebrews as speaking against obeying what God has commanded, then you have a choice to make about who has the higher authority and which one you should follow. In Deuteronomy 13:1-5, the way that God instructed His people to...
  8. S

    Sunday Worship?

    I see "character" as being synonymous with "nature", such as by saying that God is holy, righteous, and good I would both be describing aspects of God's character traits and aspects of His nature. If it makes a significant difference to you, I should have said "nature" instead of "character".
  9. S

    Sunday Worship?

    I don't see how you can think that it is just for God to hold people accountable for following laws that can't currently be followed, especially when there are examples in Scripture of people not being held accountable for not following laws that they couldn't follow. In Titus 2:14, Jesus gave...
  10. S

    Sunday Worship?

    In Hebrews 8:10-13, the New Covenant involves God putting the Torah in our minds and writing it on our hearts, so while the Mosaic Covenant has become obsolete, the Torah did not become obsolete along with it. God's righteousness is eternal, so any instructions that God has ever given for how...
  11. S

    Sunday Worship?

    Indeed, we should worship God on every day, which includes obeying His command to keep the Sabbath holy. The Sabbath is a precious give that God gave for our own good in order to bless us, so we should not spurn it.
  12. S

    Sunday Worship?

    Not at all. I don't see any grounds for thinking that we should be free to profane what is holy to God.
  13. S

    Sunday Worship?

    If you do not establish that your concept of the ceremonial law contains an identical list of laws as Paul's concept of the ceremonial law, then you are misunderstanding him by interpreting him as referring to the ceremonial law, however, the Paul never lists which laws are part of the...
  14. S

    Sunday Worship?

    God is not required to sign a contract with us in order for us to be obligated to obey walk in His way, but rather we are obligated to do that because God is sovereign, while His contracts simply inform us of what has always been and will always be our obligation. In other words, it is not the...
  15. S

    Sunday Worship?

    Either Paul only spoke against incorrect reasons for becoming circumcised or according to Galatians 5:2, Paul caused Christ to be of no value to Timothy when he had him circumcised in Acts 16:3 and Christ is of no value to roughly 80% of the men in the US. In Acts 15:1, men from Judea were...
  16. S

    Sunday Worship?

    What is holy to God should not be profaned by man, so we would still be obligated to keep the 7th day holy even if God had never commanded anyone to do that.
  17. S

    Sunday Worship?

    What do you think that I am redefining? Me too.
  18. S

    Sunday Worship?

    All throughout the Bible, God wanted the Israelites to repent and return to obedience to the Mosaic Law, so it is absurd to think that it is an abomination to God to do that. Jesus was going around teaching good news and healing people, so he was extremely popular with the people. Jesus was...
  19. S

    Sunday Worship?

    Even if I were completely disobedient to my own teaching, it wouldn't change the fact that followers of God should follow God's commands in accordance with Christ's example. However, there is no requirement to follow laws in regard to temple practice when there is no temple in which to practice...
  20. S

    Sunday Worship?

    A Christ is by definition a follower of Christ, so while it is what we become, but what we become is someone to follows Christs. Being confirmed to the image of Christ is about having the same character. In Hebrews 1:3, the Son is the exact image of God's character, so he is all of God's...