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  1. S

    Sunday Worship?

    In Psalms 119:29-30, he wanted to put false ways far from him, for God to be gracious to him by teaching him to obey His law, and he chose the way of faithfulness by setting it before him, so this has always been the one and only way of salvation by grace through faith. Our salvation is from...
  2. S

    Sunday Worship?

    Paul saying that God's holy are foreshadows of what is to come was emphasizing the importance of testifying about what is to come by continuing to observe them. In Hebrews 3:18-19, they did not enter into God's rest because of their disobedience/unbelief, and in Ezekiel 20:13, it specifically...
  3. S

    Sunday Worship?

    In Mark 7:6-9, Jesus criticized the Pharisees as being hypocrites for setting aside the commands of God in order to establish their own traditions, so there is nothing wrong with following a tradition of worshiping God on Sunday in addition to obeying God's command to keep the Sabbath holy and...
  4. S

    Sunday Worship?

    I have no objection to imagining how things might have been different, but I just don't think that believing in God qualifies as things being different. There are many verses that connect believing in God with our obedience to Him, so it's like saying imagine how things would have been...
  5. S

    Sunday Worship?

    The Bible does not say anything about the New Covenant being a different religion following a different God, but rather the New Covenant involve following the same God with the same Torah (Jeremiah 31:33, Ezekiel 36:26-27). Christ spent his ministry teaching his followers to practice Judaism in...
  6. S

    Sunday Worship?

    If they were not pleasing to God, then He would not have instructed them. God is trustworthy, therefore His law is also trust worthy (Psalms 19:7), so God is pleased when we have faith in Him by having faith in what He has instructed, not when we treat what He has instructed as being untrustworthy.
  7. S

    Sunday Worship?

    I did not say that God's goodness depends on us doing good, but that our good works testify about that God is good. The works that God has instructed paint a picture of His character, for example, we can see that God is wise by seeing that He has instructed wise laws and by doing what is wise...
  8. S

    Sunday Worship?

    That's easy to imagine because there would be no difference whatsoever. By doing good works in obedience to God, we are testifying that God is good, which is why our good works bring glory to God (Matthew 5:16), and by testifying that God is good we are also expressing the belief that God is...
  9. S

    Sunday Worship?

    If we can't keep God's law, then we would not be at fault for failing to keep it, but rather the fault would be with God for giving a law that we can't keep. However, Hebrews 8:6-9, it doesn't say that God found fault with Himself or with His law or that the covenant failed because we can't...
  10. S

    Sunday Worship?

    Indeed, we should worship and praise God on every day in addition to obeying His command to keep the Sabbath holy.
  11. S

    Sunday Worship?

    The Psalms express an extremely positive view of the Torah, such as with David repeatedly saying that he loved it and delighted in obeying it, so if we consider the Psalms to be Scripture and to therefore express a correct view of God's law, then we will share it as Paul did (Romans 7:22). For...
  12. S

    Sunday Worship?

    In John 12:46-50, it does not give us any room to disregard anything that Jesus taught during ministry. We can look at what Jesus taught and decide whether or not to follow him, but we can’t follow him by refusing to follow what he taught, and following what Jesus taught is not just for Jews...
  13. S

    Sunday Worship?

    The topic of Romans 14 is in regard to how to handle disputable matters of opinion in which God had given no command, not in regard to whether followers of God should follow God’s commands, so nothing in the chapter should be interpreted as speaking against obeying God.. For example, in Romans...
  14. S

    Sunday Worship?

    Even when the law was first given to Moses, many of them could not be obeyed, and not even Jesus obeyed the laws in regard to having a period or to giving birth. For example, the Israelites were given number of the laws had the condition “when you enter the land…” while they were still...
  15. S

    Sunday Worship?

    Do you deny the truth of those verses? You call me confused, but I’m not the one speaking against obeying what God has commanded His people to do.
  16. S

    Sunday Worship?

    The New Covenant still involves following the Torah (Jeremiah 31:33, Ezekiel 36:26-27).
  17. S

    Sunday Worship?

    Jesus did not come to start his own religion following a different God, but rather he came as the Jewish Messiah of Judaism in fulfillment of Jewish prophecy, he practiced Judaism by living in sinless obedience to the Torah, he spent his ministry fulfilling the Torah by teaching how to correctly...
  18. S

    Sunday Worship?

    That's not true because the New Covenant involves God putting His law in our minds and writing it on our hearts (Jeremiah 31:33) and the Spirit leading us to obey it (Ezekiel 36:26-27), but it wouldn't matter even if it were true because what is holy to God should not be profaned by man, so we...
  19. S

    Sunday Worship?

    No. It is rebellion against God to refuse to obey what He has commanded. The Command to keep the 7th day holy is not the command to only worship God or meet on the 7th day, so there is nothing wrong with someone following a tradition of worshiping or meeting on any day of the week in addition...
  20. S

    Sunday Worship?

    God's holy days are foreshadows of what is to come, so we should live in a way that testifies about the truth of what is to come by continuing to observe them rather than a way that bears false witness against what is to come. Rebelling against God's command to keep the Sabbath holy because...